Friday, August 05, 2005

Beat Slot Machines With Mind Power

By Randall Fitzgerald
Phenomena Senior Editor

Inside every casino slot machine manufactured today is a computer chip called a random number generator, sometimes referred to as the heart and soul of the 'one-armed bandit' because it determines the outcome of every bet and play.

What most people in the gambling industry don't know is how the random number generator (Rng) was invented and used four decades ago in parapsychological experiments testing the ability of the human mind to intuit, or influence, streams of number data.

Helmut Schmidt created the first Rng in 1969 for a mind-over-matter experiment while he was a physicist for the Boeing Company Laboratory. His test subjects concentrated on affecting the movement of a circle of lights that corresponded to the Rng's counter being set in either a 1 or 2 position.

By odds of 10,000 to 1 beyond chance expectation, Schmidt's test subjects affected the number sequence governing movement of the lights.


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