Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Top 10 Mind Bending Movies of All Time

Movies are meant to entertain. You pay $12 for the opportunity to tune out the real world and escape your droll existence with 24 frames of colorful adventure per second.

Though I occasionally enjoy turning my brain off while watching movies like Transformers or Predators for sheer thrills, these films aren't the reason why I fell in love with cinema. On the contrary, the most fun that I've ever had at the movies has been when I've been challenged by the material and required to question the characters, their motives and the narrative itself.

How to Find God by Meditating in the Desert

Jesus in the Desert
I was in the woods, on 5 acres bordering several National forests, Northern Wisconsin was the place.

It was an old, dusty, spider and spider web filled mini-camper, just enough for one person to sleep in with a small cook stove and sleeping bag.

No phone, computer, radio, TV, just a handful of books and quest to reach deep down within myself, to find myself, God, Nature ….whatever may be. I was dropped off and left there, not to see another soul for another 3 weeks.

The Bright Side of Coronavirus

how to do nothing
Crisis. A situation where danger and opportunity intersect. In the last several weeks, we've heard and learned a lot about the danger and suffering caused by Covid-19. But opportunities are here too, and not only for soap producers and bitcoin holders.

This is not to downplay the gravity of the situation, but rather go back to the root of the word crisis, and its original meaning of "choice." This brutal challenge to our existing systems may open new windows of opportunity for long-awaited change.

Here's a list of 16 positive changes to the collective mindset this era of emergency may bring.

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Greatest Secret of Modern Science... and How It Will Transform Your World

There is one all-important truth that you must accept if you wish to develop on the path to prosperity. You must discard the idea that the physical universe is a meaningless, uncaring, random machine, and that human consciousness is a chemical accident within this machine.

In fact precisely the opposite is true. The universe is a living, conscious, intelligent energy which manifests all physical realities. Thought, emotion, consciousness, and life are the true substance of our universe.

Whereas we have been led to believe that consciousness is a delusion of our neurology, the real delusion is that a universe of such magnificence could be accidentally formed. 

There are countless scientific findings from the past century that point to this truth, but one vital understanding is all that we have room for in this short training program.

The most startling finding of modern science is that there is no material substance in the universe. Protons, electrons, quarks, and all of the “fundamental” particles that science has discovered all turn out to be various manifestations of energy and information.

Everything in the universe is a product of this ever-moving, ever-changing energy. All that we experience physically is simply an interpretation of that energy using our physical senses. So in the most practical, physical sense, everything that you experience is the result of your mind’s interpretation of the energy of the universe.

This insight is the first step to true freedom and personal power. If you believe the universe is a random, meaningless, violent place then in your experience it will be so. 

If, on the other hand, you believe that your mind controls the substance of your experience, and that the universe is primed to fulfill your needs, then you will meet with experiences that confirm this truth.

Your exercise today is to feel the energy of the universe. Feel it at work within your body; breathing for you, beating your heart, fighting diseases and repairing your cells. This energy flows out from your body to literally shape your world in the same way that it shapes your body.

How to Program Your Mind for Wealth
This is an excerpt from Mind Over Money: How to Program Your Mind For Wealth, a 10-minute per day, 30-day mind exercise program that will automatically bring more abundance into your life. Begin right now...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

5 Sleep Commands to Induce Lucid Dreams

Lucid Dremas

By Nick Newport / Lucidology.com

Here in Lucidology 101 we'll cover five new sleep commands that you can use to quickly trick the body into falling asleep. This will enable you to end insomnia and have frequent lucid dreams and OBEs.

A while back I had been up all night working on something. Around noon I was very tired and decided to lay down for a few moments. As I lay there I began to feel a very uncomfortable urge to roll over. For no real reason I decided to ignore it and just lay there. To my extreme surprise I felt the paralysis wave roll over me and put me in full sleep paralysis.

The paralysis was completely unexpected. I had always thought it was something you had to be very deeply relaxed to achieve. Instead I was actually fairly tense and my mind was not at all in any kind of meditative state.

I'd accidentally found something that I had never seen in any books on lucid dreaming. The roll over signal itself was all you need to enter paralysis. I spent the next several months experimenting with different variations of what I'd done. I began looking for other ways to command the body into sleep and here's what I found.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

5 Works of Fiction that Predicted Covid-19

The Masque of the Red Death
Epidemics and plagues have stalked humanity for centuries, inspiring literature and other forms of art stretching back to before we even had the germ theory of disease. 

In books like Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year (1722), Richard Preston's The Hot Zone (1994) and Albert Camus' The Plague (1947) the human toll of epidemics are explored.

Viruses and other diseases have also become a popular topic for movies and television, kicking off zombie pandemics in The Omega Man (1971) or falling from space in The Andromeda Strain (1971, based on the first novel Michael Crichton wrote under his own name). Some artists find meaning in plague and its rippling effects through society, others see only useless death.

But while many fictional pandemics are too implausible to be readily believed, sometimes a movie or book hews surprisingly close to life. When it comes to the novel coronavirus COVID-19, there are a handful of fictional stories with enough overlap with real events for us to wonder, did the author somehow predict the current pandemic?

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Science Says: You Are Made of Vibrating "Strings" and Live in 11 Dimensions

For centuries, even as far back as the ancient Greeks, scientific belief was that everything -- you included -- was constructed of atoms, the tiniest building blocks of the universe.

It was later discovered that these atoms were constructed of electrons, protons and neutrons. More recently scientists found the sub-atomic particles themselves were made up of tinier bits known as quarks. So far, so normal-ish.

But now cutting edge science has theorised that even these quarks -- indeed everything in the universe from your body to light and gravity -- is made of incomprehensibly small vibrating strings.

The Purpose and Meaning of Life

The purpose of life is life itself. That phrase might sound meaningless, but hear me out.

Biologically, physically, the purpose of life is life itself. 
That should be self-evident. The purpose of all life is to breed and create more life.

But I realize that’s not what we’re talking about. 

Certainly having children can give your life purpose, but not everyone can have children, and not everyone wants children. Even those who do have children will eventually lose that purpose when their kids become independent adults. Would we ever want to return to the days when people died in their early 40s because their biological purpose was over?

Ummmm, no. There must be something else.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Stuck at Home? Can't Work? Need Money?

$1000 per day
Source: $1K A Day

The most reliable way to make cashola online is with an email list, it's a simple fact.

But, not just any email list, no I'm talking about a massive, enormous, monstrous email list that spits out hundred dollar bills every time you simply click SEND!

And I just discovered an unknown, underground Internet millionaire who developed the easiest way to build gargantuan email lists with...

No product
No complex websites
No confusing marketing plan
No prior experience
No big advertising budget
No tech skills

A trained monkey could earn $5k -- 10k per month doing this, but since you're not
a monkey you should be able to earn FAR MORE ;-)

If making more money in a day than you do in 3 months right now sounds interesting to you then I highly recommend you discover what I have waiting for you right here...

12 Stories That Will Make You Believe in the Power of Your Mind to Heal You

Mind Over Medicine
My book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself is full of data scientifically proving that the mind can heal — or harm — the body.

But data can be dry, and sometimes what resonates most deeply within our souls are stories. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s have story time.

I’m going to tell you a few true stories that will demonstrate to you how powerfully the mind affects your physiology.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Free "Unexpected Money" Wealth Attraction MP3

You're about to INSTANTLY attract big money :-)

You see, I'd like you to take part in an experiment.

I've created a special 19-minute audio MP3 for you.

Just by listening, it'll automatically "magnetize" you to attract unexpected money over the next few days.

A surprise check in the mail. An unexpected lotto win. A smart idea that lands you a small fortune.

All you have to do is LISTEN to the audio to "reprogram" your thoughts and magnetize your mind.

It's SO easy.

This audio is worth $49.95 -- but for you, it's FREE.

Download your free copy here...

The Secret to Happiness: Stop Caring

Our lives are inundated with practicality and productivity. We think that if there’s no purpose to something, there’s no point in doing it. In reality the best things in life have no purpose.

We sacrifice our time and our sanity doing what we don’t want to do, so at some future point we will create the freedom to do what we love.

We seek happiness in things. We seek happiness in the acceptance of others, in material possessions, in social status. We even search for happiness in some future-promised afterlife. We sabotage ourselves and our entire lives because we fail to understand a very simple but easily overlooked fact.


Saturday, March 14, 2020

Strange and Beautiful Stories of Near-Death Experiences

MindTrip Magazine
By Mitch Albom, Author of 
The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Faith, critics say, is belief without evidence. Nowhere is this truer than when we talk about heaven. An overwhelming number of human beings believe in the hereafter. Not one has indisputable proof.

But many have stories. Some are their own. Some are passed down. Some have been read. Some have been repeated. The best ones give you chills. But they all give you pause. And this much I can tell you:
There are more than you think.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The World's Strangest Methods of Fortune Telling

We've all heard of astrology, numerology, and palm reading. But what if you want something a little less unconventional?

Want to know the future in the strangest possible way? You don't need crystal ball or a time machine. Just examine your moles or your fingernails or your cats. Really.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

9 Ways Meditation Can Actually Change the Brain

Besides exercise, which has huge impacts on the nervous system, meditation or mindfulness seems to change the brain of people who practice it. In recent years, people have become more interested in finding ways to relax their minds and bodies.

And meditation seems to be the right choice. It has huge impacts on the behavior and way of thinking of people and researchers have found that it enhances connectivity between brain regions. Daily meditation can change the brain over time, but how?

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Top 10 Old School Self-Help Books

The self-help industry today generates literally thousands of books, seminars, and audio programs, on which Americans spend more than $11 billion yearly.

Most self-help programs are based in "positive thinking" – the principle that your thoughts shape your destiny. This message grew out of mental-healing and Transcendentalist tracts of the mid-nineteenth century, and attained mass appeal in works such as Norman Vincent Peale's 1952 The Power of the Positive Thinking.

Critics generally view positive thinking as namby-pamby nonsense. But the philosophy has produced ideas that are deeply useful, even profound. You probably believe some of them already. This list considers the most compelling and overlooked expressions of this practical philosophy. While many of these books proved too esoteric in tone to attain the mass appeal of Dale Carnegie and Joel Osteen, they are a treasure of serviceable ideas and are all still available today.

Saturday, March 07, 2020

Free Masterclass: The Best Mind Hacks on Earth

By Natalie Ledwell / Source: 
Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life

Click here to register for Put Your Success on Auto Pilot.
If you had to be 100% honest with yourself...

Do you think it's possible you've been hiding behind beliefs like:

“I’m too old to start over.”

“I'm too busy to learn new things."

"I'm not smart/talented/lucky enough to get what I really want.”

If you have, there’s something important you need to remember:

All of these beliefs are simply illusions.

Because no matter where you come from or where you're at right now -

You have the power to transform your beliefs, and in turn, your life.

And this "mind over matter” process is exactly what my friend and acclaimed human potential coach, Natalie Ledwell, will show you, in precise steps, on her upcoming online training.

So, if you feel stuck, stressed, frustrated or undeserving, and you think some of that negativity may be coming from inside you, then quick:

Get Happy Get Money

By Abraham Hicks / Source: MindBendingVideos.com

There is a journey between where you are and where you want to be. And it is not a work journey, it is not an effort journey, it is not a getting hired journey, it is not even a getting a great idea for a great product that the world wants journey.

It is a vibrational journey. It really is as simple as looking for a reason to feel good, about now, or about later, or about the past. Doesn't matter. You're thinking about the past, the present or the future, you're doing it now. You're offering the vibration now. It's causing you to be a vibrational point of attraction now.

And law of attraction cannot buck your current. Law of attraction cannot give you what's in your vortex, what you've dreamed into place, if your now vibration is a vibrational variance from it. You've got to do the vibrational alignment.