Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A CIA Self-Help Book: How to Make Friends and Interrogate People

An “elicitation”, they call it. The word “interrogation” has such nasty connotations, doesn’t it? Especially when used in conjunction with the letters C, I and A.

So three alumni of the US intelligence agency aim to rebrand the inquisitorial process with a new book called Get the Truth: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Persuade Anyone to Tell All.

Philip Houston, Michael Floyd and Susan Carnicero believe the methods that have helped them to winkle out traitors in various unspecified sandy locations could help all of us in our business and general lives. And, perhaps, as parents.

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Easiest Get Rich Quick Scheme in the Universe

This is a brief excerpt from a much longer article called Money Is Infinite.

So, let's get back to money. You are free to believe that it is difficult to earn money, that it is a struggle to survive and that life is expensive and difficult.

Or you can believe that life is easy, that life is meant to be enjoyed without stress, and that all of your needs are easily met by aligning yourself with the source of all things, the creative loving energy of the intelligent universe.

Abraham Hicks puts it like this: "You get what you think about, whether you want it or not."

And you'll say, "But I think about having more money all the time, and I don't get any more money."

Right. You think about having more money because you want more money. So the universe gives you the experience of wanting money. The reason you want more money, the reason you dream about having more money all the time, is because your real belief is that you don't have enough money. Why would you want more money if you already had enough? And since your core belief is that you don't have enough money, life says, "Yes, you don't have enough money." And that will be your experience. You see the nasty trick the mind plays on you?

So how to flip it? How to change your core belief? Gratitude. Appreciation. That's the magic key. Appreciate all the good things in your life and more good things will come to you. Appreciate the money that enters your life, instead of complaining about how little you have, and then mindlessly spending what little you have. Every time money enters your life, spend a moment to appreciate that good things are flowing to you, and open yourself up to more good things, to more money. That's the first step to increasing the abundance in your life.

How to Be Rich

There is an even easier way to be rich, one that doesn't require you to attract any more money than you already have. A way to be rich that doesn't require anything more than a change of perspective.
Simply, realize that you are already rich. Maybe not compared to the richest people on the planet right now, but definitely compared to 99.9999999999% of the people who came before you. If you live in a developed country and have a job, you are probably richer than 99% of the people alive today. (Check out to find out exactly how high up the wealth ladder you are.)

Even if you are in the bottom 99% percent, I'm sure you have enough food to eat and a safe place to sleep, or you'd be dead already. That's rich. You certainly wouldn't have access to the world's infinite data and some electronic gadget to read this with. That's a luxury only the rich can afford. Besides, being rich isn't about surrounding yourself with the latest consumer goods or some ultra-extravagant bullshit. Being rich is about being able to appreciate life -- your life -- fully.

Someone once said "A thankful heart is always close to the riches of the universe," and that is exactly right.

After all, who is richer? A multi-billionaire who works himself into an early grave and spends his entire life worrying about losing his money, or a person who is happy with his life, no matter how humble, and at peace with the world? The answer is obvious.

Learning how to appreciate the simple things in life is true wealth. And it's the healthiest thing you can possibly do for your soul. Appreciating the infinite free gifts of the universe. That's rich.

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Simple Cure for Just About Everything

At a dinner conversation tonight, the topic turned to health and fitness.

The ladies in the group were discussing their various Crossfit successes, while we men congratulated ourselves on improvements caused by switching to lower-carbohydrate diets and better weight training principles.

The discussion broadened to the health plight of the Modern Human in general, and how the populations of rich countries are getting heavier and less healthy, even as the world makes progress toward lifting many of the poorest countries out of malnutrition due to poverty.

We wondered why with all the wealth and free information available out there, that most rich-country residents end up doing exactly what is worst for them: eating and drinking concentrated sugar, and remaining in a seated position for most of their waking hours.

21 Rules for Life from a Legendary Master Samurai

5 Rings
In the life of a samurai swordsman, every day could be your last.

You face death constantly. Over and over and over again.

The slightest error, the smallest lapse in judgement results in lost limbs and lost lives.

There is no one who embodied and mastered this Way as well as Miyamoto Musashi. Musashi was a legendary swordsman, philosopher, military strategist, and ronin (wandering samurai). He was one of the few individuals to ever receive the designation of Kensei, the 'sword saint of Japan.'

He is famously known for his publication of the Go Rin No Sho -- 'The Book of the Five Rings' -- a guide on how to train and fight in sword combat and military strategy.
He espouses the virtues of relentless practice, merciless pragmatism, and a fiercely ascetic relationship with the external world.

For Musashi, mastery of the world was mastery of the Self.

The Trendiest New Psychedelic is Toad Venom

Mind Power News
Sitting cross-legged on a blanket in his Soho apartment, Barrett Pall inhaled toad-venom smoke through a glass stem pipe.

Thirty seconds later, he was crying.

"I was crying really hard, yelling 'I'm so sorry' over and over," Pall recalled to The Post of his first time experimenting with the illegal psychedelic drug last year. (He's since tried it twice more.)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Happiness is Overrated

Not too long ago, I was floating in the crystal-clear Pacific Ocean, the water lapping against my back and saltwater seeping into and out of my pores, the hypnotic rush of the waves providing the back-beat for the symphony of seagulls. I didn’t notice. My body was in the water?—?my mind was somewhere else.

I spent nearly all of 2017 sinking into a black hole of rage and sadness. I spent the year crisscrossing the country hoping my demons wouldn’t follow me. They did. I ran a marathon in Orlando. I spent springtime in New York. I saw the Cubs in Chicago. I saw Kendrick Lamar in Phoenix. I spent a secret weekend in Seattle. I took my mom to New Orleans. I surfed in San Diego. I saw the Lakers, Kings and Chargers in Los Angeles. I climbed the cliffs of Malibu. I drank wine in Napa. I rode scooters around San Francisco. I heard soul in Memphis. I saw old friends and met new ones. And I did SXSW and ACL right here in Austin. It was everything … yet it did nothing to beat back the double-barreled blast of depression of anxiety. And all I could do was wonder why.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Scientists Build Devices to Hack Your Dreams

A team of researchers at MIT's Dream Lab, which launched in 2017, are working on an open source wearable device that can track and interact with dreams in a number of ways -- including, hopefully, giving you new control over the content of your dreams.

The team's radical goal is to prove once and for all that dreams aren't just meaningless gibberish -- but can be "hacked, augmented, and swayed" to our benefit, according to OneZero.

Monday, April 20, 2020

End Insomnia with Simple Autosuggestions

By Alex Lukeman, PhD
Author of Sleep Well, Sleep Deep

For tens of millions of Americans, getting a good night’s sleep is an elusive dream.

Good news: Via self-hypnosis, it’s usually possible to overcome sleeplessness -- even if you’ve struggled with the sandman for decades.


Sleep remains mysterious, even to longtime sleep researchers. But falling asleep clearly involves slowing the mind and body. People suffering from insomnia find that all but impossible.

If you haven’t already, take these basic steps to curb mental and physical arousal before bedtime...


Sunday, April 19, 2020

“Out of Shadows” Official Trailer

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.


Reality Bending Secrets

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Free 5-Step Manifesting Cheat Sheet

Ready to ROCKET your results with the Law of Attraction?

BIG money. BIG happiness. BIG love.

I'm talking about BIG wealth & abundance in EVERY area of your life.

It's all possible, with a powerful "Law of Attraction hack" known as...

The 5-Step Manifesting Technique.

This simple method is 100% grounded in science, and *guarantees* to boost your attraction results in just MINUTES.

Want to learn more?

I've created a FREE Cheat Sheet with full details on the entire 5-Step Manifesting Technique -- including how to get started with it TODAY.

Click here to download your copy...

Discover the Forgotten Power of Plants

It is not a big secret that mother nature has provided everything we need to survive. Modern technology has detached us from nature so much that we have forgotten how abundant it is.

Thankfully, there are some people who have not lost faith in mother nature. They continue to pass on the knowledge and information from generation to generation.

The Lost Book of Remedies is your treasure chest of remedies that mother nature offers. Even though we are now living in modern times, some people still seek natural remedies.

This book will show you not just remedies but help you identify the medical plants. You will be surprised that even common weeds have medicinal properties. This book will definitely be helpful in more ways than one!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Learn This and Your Life Will Change Forever!

manifestation magic
By Alexander Wilson / 
Manifestation Magic

I’d like you to imagine a garden.

In this garden, the soil is always rich with nutrients and what you plant, it will grow. There is rain and sun so you don’t have to worry about anything.

You can plant anything. There are no restrictions.

You can plant roses or you can plant poison ivy. 

You can plant tomatoes or you can plant nightshade, a deadly poison. What you put in, as a seed, will eventually grow into something much bigger.

This garden is your mind and the seeds you can plant are your thoughts.

Your mind is a fertile place where the thoughts you plant, will grow and make up for what your life is.

Or as the old passage from the Bible goes, from the book of proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Friday, April 10, 2020

9 Ways to Lose Weight While You Sleep

Lose Weight While You Sleep
While the idea might sound really far-fetched, it's actually a growing area of research that is showing how it's possible to lose weight during sleep.

Modern life is really interrupting the natural circadian rhythms the human body usually follows, according to research from The National Sleep Foundation. In fact, this disruption may be encouraging the body to hold onto fat when it really should not.

There are ways to help counter these effects, though! Here are some tips:

How To Make Every Day Your Perfect Day

By Alexander Wilson / Manifestation Magic

Brainwave entrainment.

It is one thing that a few people swear works, a few people think is B.S., and most do not understand.

If you’re amongst those that have heard about this before but don’t know what it is or how it works, I don’t blame you. Google this and you’ll get a complicated scientific explanation.

You’ll learn about frequencies and brainwaves and how the brain works and many other things that make your head spin. I’m surprised that you aren’t required to have a PhD to learn about brainwave entrainment, because honestly, it feels that complicated sometimes and I’m one person who knows how to do this right.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

The World's Greatest Goal Achiever

By John Goddard, author of The Survivor

One rainy afternoon an inspired 15-year old boy named John Goddard sat down at his kitchen table in Los Angeles and wrote three words at the top of a yellow pad, "My Life List." Under that heading he wrote down 127 goals.

These were not simple or easy goals. They included climbing the world's major mountains, exploring from source to mouth the longest rivers of the world, piloting the world's fastest aircraft, running a mile in five minutes and reading the entire  Encyclopedia Britannica.

Now, a generation later, he has accomplished 109 of these quests, and has logged an impressive list of records in achieving them.

How to Use the Other 90% of Your Brain

As you know, the average human uses roughly ten percent of the capacity of their brain power.
What they don't tell you is how to use the other 90%.

Yes, we're well aware that many scientists now claim that the 10% of your brain meme is just a myth, but anyone who thinks humans are using all of their brain power is not using enough of theirs.

So whether it's 10 percent, or 20 or 30 or more... it's safe to say that we all have room for improvement. And that's where this amazing book comes in .

After reading this book, you can unleash the full potential of your mind power to do amazing things.

If you are ready to go that far down the rabbit hole, then...

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

CIA Documents Prove Psychic Powers Are Real

By Jason Mangrum, Creator of Uberman: Become SuperHuman!


Well I guess nobody saw this coming! (or did they?...)

The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) just released some of its most TOP SECRET, highly classified information about their deep research into psychoenergetic science.

It’s called “THE STARGATE PROGRAM” and it includes their documented experiments with stuff like remote viewing, astral projection, mind reading, telepathy, psychokinesis and much, much more!

Yeah, all that stuff you’ve heard about for years as “pseudo-science” was secretly being studied by the top intelligence agencies of the world because of the UNDENIABLE evidence!

And hey, why not read about them on the CIA web site itself?

So, yeah.

Psychic powers are real.

And yes, you have them, too.

And you can learn how to get them, with this training manual!

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Drugs and the Meaning of Life

Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness.

We form friendships so that we can feel certain emotions, like love, and avoid others, like loneliness. We eat specific foods to enjoy their fleeting presence on our tongues. We read for the pleasure of thinking another person's thoughts.

Every waking moment -- and even in our dreams -- we struggle to direct the flow of sensation, emotion, and cognition toward states of consciousness that we value.

Drugs are another means toward this end. Some are illegal; some are stigmatized; some are dangerous -- though, perversely, these sets only partially intersect.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

How to Reprogram Your Mind With Your Computer

Source: Subliminal 360

What if changing your life... was as simple as clicking a few buttons on your PC?

From confidence to weight loss, memory to sporting skills. Just select what you want, and these new features get "installed" into your mind.

It may sound like something from The Matrix. But maybe it's time to take the concept a little more seriously.

A brand new software tool has launched that claims to help you do just that. It can install fresh habits and skills into your conscious mind in just days, and is billed as a "control panel for your brain."

So, does it work? I decided to find out.