Friday, July 08, 2005

Using Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

By Terry Martin

Without a doubt, your own will and determination to stop smoking are the best quit aids available to you. They are also mandatory requirements for successful, long term smoking cessation. With solid commitment in place, any quit aid of your choice will help. Without it, nothing will. So, with that said, let's take a look at hypnosis as a tool to help you stop smoking.

Hypnosis activates an altered state of consciousness in which a person is fully awake while being deeply relaxed and more susceptible to suggestion. Exactly how hypnosis works isn’t known, but one thing is certain: people in a hypnotic trance can't be convinced to do things they wouldn’t normally do. They are in full control of their free will.

You might be surprised to learn that you probably experience a self-induced hypnotic trance at least once a day. Have you ever been driving your car only to suddenly realize you can't remember some of the trip? Do you sometimes "lose yourself" while reading a good book or watching a movie? Three-dimensional life fades away, and you're immersed in a different reality, often vividly complete with emotions and physical sensations. That sense of disconnection from your present surroundings while awake and alert signals a hypnotic trance. Rather than being sleep-like, while under hypnosis, people are actually in a state of increased attentiveness, and suggestions offered can take root more easily.


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