Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Intelligent Bacteria?

Special to World Science

Bacteria are by far the simplest things alive, at least among things generally agreed on as being alive. Next to one of these single-celled beings, one cell of our bodies looks about as complex as a human does compared to a sponge.

A colony of Paenibacillus dendritiformis bacteria, which some researchers say can organize themselves into different types of extravagant formations to maximize food intake for given conditions. According to some, this reflects a bacterial intelligence. (Courtesy Eshel Ben-Jacob, Tel Aviv University, Israel)

Yet the humble microbes may have a rudimentary form of intelligence, some researchers have found.

The claims seem to come as a final exclamation point to a long series of increasingly surprising findings of sophistication among the microbes, including apparent cases of cooperation and even altruism.


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