Sunday, November 26, 2017

Spiritual Codes Fest – Free for Six Days

Let's look at "mental codes."

Which one of the following seven statements describes you most?
  1. I use words and ideas to influence others.
  2. I tend to leave it to others to come up with ideas.
  3. I prefer traditional or conventional ideas.
  4. I am always jumping to the newest thing or idea.
  5. I organize and label everything! I like to follow procedures.
  6. I can be extraordinarily focused on my own ideas or those of my idol or mentor.
  7. I have an abundance of ideas.
You almost certainly found one of these to be spot on. It's part of a Code for what is happening in your life on the "mental" level. Recognizing it and knowing what to do about it can change your life completely. So the question is...

Which Code is dominant in your life?

When you find your Mental Code, embrace it. Let it be an everyday strength. The same holds true for other levels such as the physical level and emotional level.

It will then be easier to let your soul drive your life instead of everything else dragging you around. That's living on purpose.

For for five days during the upcoming Spiritual Codes Fest, you will explore these Spiritual Codes and the influence that they have on your life. Your access is free.
Experience it for yourself beginning on Monday, December 4. Your first session is all ready for you to hear – Click Here to get your free pass!
The secrets of the seven Spiritual Codes:

There are seven Spiritual Codes and each is known by one of the colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

Each code also has a keyword or theme. The Red Code is will, as in resolution or conviction. The Orange Code is service. The Yellow Code is creativity. The Green Code stands for balance. The Blue Code is knowledge. The Indigo Code is devotion. And for the Violet Code, the main theme is magical order.

Each has a positive and expansive side, and each has a negative and contracting side.

During the Spiritual Codes Fest, you will learn the impact they have on your life and how to use them to live your dreams.
You will hear stories to help you understand the impact each Code can have – the positive and the negative – and help you recognize the codes in yourself.

Your host Marie Diamond will lead you in simple, yet powerful meditations to activate each code's vibration so that you can live to its potential.

The Spiritual Codes Fest begins Monday, December 4, mark your calendar today. Be ready for an eye-opening experience. Your first session is ready for you to listen to right now.

You are getting information that is not readily found in the world, you are getting instruction and mentoring through a true master of the work, and you are getting the support and expertise of an organization dedicated to helping you maximize your full potential.

Get your Free Pass today. We've been in business since 1981 helping people like you maximize your potential, and now we are here to help you improve your life...for free.
Spiritual Fest

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