Friday, July 10, 2015

Sleep and Grow Rich

Excerpt from the free book 
Prosper While You Sleep

95% of all human problems stem from a negative mind. This figure includes such traits as timidity, domestic discord, business failure, bad memory, tenseness, unhappiness, worry, etc.

You can do something about it... while you sleep!

You are a mind with a body attached, not a body with a mind attached! Realize this and you are on your way to self-mastery. This is the new approach to the Conscious Mind through the other level that never sleeps, the Creative Mind. What you will discover is priceless!

Prosper While You sleepThis free book shows how to use the deepest thinking part of you, while you sleep, to get whatever you want out of life . . . money, personal influence, love, respect and admiration. At will, you can direct your Creative Mind to assist you in solving problems . . . making the right decisions ... in creating ways and means of great achievement . . . over night!

With this technique you can sleep on it and awake in the morning with answers so
clear-cut you will be amazed!

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