Saturday, April 20, 2019

How to Use Meditation to Gain Esoteric Powers

By A. Thomas Perhacs, Creator of 
Chi Power Training
 and Mind Force Hypnosis

There normally comes a point in your life that you think life is too harsh. You want to escape reality even if just for a little while. Indeed, there is literally no one in this world who doesn't seem to wish to be able to forget all the hustles and bustles in life even for a very short time.

Feeling so tired doing your daily activities, it makes a worthwhile reason to get rid of the negative vibes and voices in your head. One technique which some individuals apply is that of meditation to perform truly esoteric skills.

Meditation is believed to endow a particular kind of clarity of the mind as well as put the body into such a relaxing state. This means that the physical body loses its connection to the outside world.

Chi power

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