Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The World's Strangest Methods of Fortune Telling

By Stacy / Source: Neatorama

Want to know the future? You don’t need crystal ball or a time machine. Just examine your moles or your fingernails or your cats. Really.

Ailuromancy or felidomancy. Simply observe the way your cat moves or jumps to determine the future – especially weather. A black cat crossing your path being a bad omen is an old piece of ailuromancy. Did your cat lick her ears three times? Company must be on the way. Right ear? It’s a gentleman caller. Left ear? Expect a lady.

Rumpology. This is just what is sounds like – divination via the derriere. But take this one with a grain of salt – the only major backer of this method is Jackie Stallone, Sly’s mom and, by most accounts, a rather questionable “psychic.” Jackie says Rumpology works a lot like palm reading: the cracks, crevices, birth marks and dimples can reveal a lot about a person. According to one rumpologist, an apple-shaped butt “indicates someone who is charismatic, dynamic, very confident and often creative. A person who enjoys life.”


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