Friday, December 07, 2007

Stop Smoking for the Last Time: How to Use Mind Power to Break Addictions

By Rev. George Wissing
Author of Stop Smoking for the Last Time

Most smokers and overeaters believe they lack willpower and most, who do not have these addictions, tend to agree. Yet, is willpower what really helps people break these addictions? What is the mind power that truly helps kick bad habits?

The common use of the word willpower has come to mean “self-control”. This common definition means that a person should be able to use self control to win a battle against the urge to smoke or overeat over a lifetime.

Isn’t a better strategy to eliminate the urge completely? —To have a final energetic event, a complete shift in perception, that simply ends the urge? Simply, the best way to stop smoking or overeating, is to have an energetic event within the mind that ends the desire completely. This is sometimes called spontaneous remission— the “ah ha” moment— the way millions “just quit”.


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