Friday, December 07, 2007

83 Unique Exercises to Keep Your Brain Alive

A Discussion With Lawrence C. Katz, PhD,
Co-author of "Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises"

Have you ever searched in vain for your glasses, only to find them perched on top of your head? How many times have you gone shopping and later been unable to find your car in the parking lot? You may tell yourself such things are all part of getting older -- but are they?

Lawrence C. Katz, PhD, recognizes the tremendous need to understand what happens to our brains as we age, and knows that the way we live our lives affects our brains for a long time. Together with co-author Manning Rubin, Dr. Katz developed "neurobics" -- brain exercises that affect how our brains are actually used. He explained the basics of this exciting program in our conversation with him.

What is the new science of brain exercise?

What your brain does most is form associations between different senses -- that's what your brain is really good at; that's what it is designed to do. The basic idea behind brain exercises is to use your brain's natural desire to form associations, to do things in different ways that cause it to form new associations. The capacity of the brain to form new associations is essentially unlimited.

When your brain does this it causes brain cells to become more active. And when cells are more active they produce molecules that, in turn, "fertilize" nerve cells, keeping them healthier and more resistant to the assaults of old age. It used to be thought that as you get older, you lose nerve cells. That's not really the case.


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