Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to Retire at 30 Without Winning the Lottery

By Kelly Johnson / Source: Washington Post

To hundreds of thousands of devotees, he is Mister Money Mustache. And he is here to tell you that early retirement doesn't only happen to Powerball winners and those who luck into a big inheritance.

He and his wife retired from middle-income jobs before they had their son. Exasperated, as he puts it, by "a barrage of skeptical questions from high-income peers who were still in debt years after we were free from work," he created a no-nonsense personal finance blogand started spilling his secrets.

I was eager to know more. He is Pete (just Pete, for the sake of his family's privacy). He lives in Longmont, Colo. He is ridiculously happy. And he's sure his life could be yours. Our conversation was edited for length and clarity.

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