Sunday, February 23, 2014

Weird Do-It-Yourself Subliminal Technique

By Bradley Thompson / Source: Subliminal Power 2.0

The U.S. Government banned them on TV and radio in 1974. They were once famously used to boost sales of popcorn by almost 60%. And today, they're the subject of numerous Derren Brown-style "mind" shows airing throughout the globe.

I'm talking, of course, about subliminal messages.

However, despite all the media hype, subliminal messages aren't just used by advertising moguls trying to get us to buy another can of coke. They can also be employed to make serious and lasting change in our own lives.
In this short article, I'm going to share a method you can use to get subliminal messages working for you—starting tonight!

But how? There are two primary ways you can actually "send" subliminal messages. Visually, such as with the popular Subliminal Power 2.0 software tool. Or, less effectively, using sound, with the subliminal CDs you can buy from most bookstores.

Yet if your budget is low, there's an even cheaper way to begin putting the power of subliminal messaging to work for you!

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