Monday, August 29, 2011

Faster-Than-Light Travel and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

By Roland Michel Tremblay

Interstellar space-travel and near-instant communication; discovering a network of intelligent extraterrestrial signals; harnessing the mysterious instantaneous quantum-entanglement effect. These are all either science fiction or things we will probably never live to see or understand, correct? Not at all. By the end of this article you will see how clarifying a simple but extremely fundamental misunderstanding in our science legacy makes all of this a viable reality – now.

All Just a Misunderstanding

How can this be? It’s not as surprising as it may seem, but follows from the leap of understanding that often occurs when simple misconceptions are clarified – it is just that this particular misconception reaches back centuries to the very nature of matter and energy.

Misunderstanding the nature of light, for example, the physics underlying “quantum mechanics” and the meaning of experimental results can easily produce a strangely complex science and an oddly bizarre and paradoxical universe. But is this a true reflection of the world around us, or is something else going on here?


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