Friday, August 13, 2010

Sex Boosts Brain Power

By Matthew Edlund, M.D. / Source: Psychology Today

Can Sex Grow My Brain?

The short answer is yes - if you're a rat. Rats and humans differ in some ways. Yet our mammalian physiology is sufficiently similar that what happens in rats often happens in people.

The sex-brain study, done at Princeton's Psychology Department by Leuner, Glasper, and Gould, was performed with active, night-time rats. Males spent time with females that were either sexually receptive or non-receptive (unlike us but like most animals, rats get sex-obsessed only at hormonally defined intervals.)

Whether sexual contact was a one night stand or ongoing for two weeks, cell growth popped out in the hippocampus, a major brain memory area for rats and humans. As Woody Allen would say, it worked every time.


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