Monday, February 22, 2010

How to Figure Out What You Really Want

By Brian Wong

So many peo­ple have no idea what they want or just haven’t taken the time to seri­ously think about it. They aim for noth­ing and hit it with amaz­ing accuracy.

The first and very impor­tant step to achiev­ing all your goals is actu­ally hav­ing a clear pic­ture of what they are.

Once you are clear you can start to take action in the direc­tion of your goals and fash­ion a plan that will get you there.

So let me ask you…

* Are you some­one who just can’t decide from the mil­lions of choices avail­able to you?

* Have you sat down to write out your goals but just draw a blank?
* Are you some­one who sets and achieves goals in one area of your life but falls short in others?
* Are you some­one who has no idea where to start?

Well let me share with you some hints to make this process quick, easy and rel­a­tively painless…


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