Sunday, December 21, 2008

Did Oprah Crash the Economy?

By Phillip Tilley
Author of The Money Matrix of the New World Order

Did Oprah cause the economic crash? It is possible she is at least partly to blame. A year and a half ago the economy was humming along doing fine, consumer confidence was high and so was the stock market.

Then Oprah had the author to the book “The Secret” on her program not once but twice to promote it. The Secret uses junk science to convince gullible people they can have whatever they want if they wish it into existence.

Ten million people bought the book and began secretly using the secret to get what they wanted. A new house or car, a big screen TV, and a vacation to Hawaii were all high on the lists of most people. When the secret wasn’t working, they used their credit cards and took out loans and got what they secretly wanted anyway because they believed the secret would secretly send them money to pay for it all so they didn’t worry. They are worried now because there is no money.


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