Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Dark Side of Creating Your Own Reality

By Blair Warren

Many in the self-help field tell us that, “We create our own reality.” And, I must confess, I believe it myself - to a degree.

To be more accurate, I believe that we participate in the creation of our own reality. In addition to our contribution, there are countless other contributions as well: other people, nature, circumstance, luck, etc.

Still, regardless of the validity of the idea of “reality creation,” the notion itself can be exhilarating. I know this because when I first “got” this idea, after decades of struggling with personal demons, I felt invincible.

I could decide how things would go for me. I could decide what things meant. I could decide what was important to me.

You get the idea.

So, it’s no wonder that this idea has been taught - and bought - by so many.

But while many extol the merits of this mindset, few discuss its dangers. Yes, dangers. Here are just a few:


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