Saturday, January 12, 2008

What If Everything You Believe Is Wrong?

By Gregg Braden,
Excerpt from The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

We live our lives based in what we believe. When we think about the truth of this statement, we immediately recognize a startling reality: Beyond anything else that we may actually do in our lives, the beliefs that precede our actions are the foundation of all that we cherish, dream, become, and accomplish.

From the morning rituals that we go through to greet the world each day, to the inventions that we use to make our lives better, to the technology that destroys life through war - our personal routines, community customs, religious ceremonies, and entire civilizations are based on our beliefs.

Not only do our beliefs provide the structure for the way we live our lives, now the same areas of study that have discounted our inner experiences in the past are showing us that the way we feel about the world around us is a force that extends into that world.

In this way, science is catching up with our most cherished spiritual and indigenous traditions, which have always told us: that our world is nothing more than a reflection of what we accept in our beliefs.

We live our lives based on what we believe about our world, ourselves, our capabilities, and our limits.


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