Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Are You Already Rich?

By Stuart Goldsmith,
Author of Seven Secrets of the Millionaires

Now we arrive at the deepest secret of happiness associated with wealth. Also, this is the most difficult initiation test of all seven. Yes, knowing when to stop is actually more difficult than making it in the first place!

Remember one thing. The aim of life is to happy. Money is one way (yes, a big way) in which you can achieve happiness, but don't lose sight of the fact that it is happiness you are after as a final goal, not money.

If you ever make any real money you will be so caught up in your astonishing success that you will find it very hard to quit. You will be tempted to work harder and faster to get more whilst the going is good. Then, if you hit a lean time, you will work harder and faster to try to get back what you have lost. In short, you will always be working harder and faster. Knowing when enough is enough is the most difficult challenge you will ever face.

Most people do not face this challenge because they rarely make enough to live on and almost never create a surplus. However, it is useful to ask yourself the question at any stage of your life, even if "flat broke" as I hope to prove.

This is one of life's big questions, and I believe it would help you to try and answer it right now. In this single question I believe is embodied the spirit of the next thousand years - no small claim!

What is the question?


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