Sunday, February 05, 2006

How to Create Your "Magic List"

By Chyrene Pendleton

First, I would like to share with you a tool I've used successfully, beginning early in my life. I know that many others have used this tool successfully and authors have written about it, especially in recent years. It's actually very simple and very powerful.

I used to call this simply my "List" but now, I call it the "Magic List", inspired by one of my non-metaphysical students several years ago. With this Magic List, you are using the power of the written and the spoken word that is released to the Universe to manifest in your reality.

All it requires are these steps:

1. Take a piece of paper (any kind of writing paper - from a notebook, or your favorite color of paper, etc), and write a numeric list of all of your desires. They can be short-term of long-term desires. State your desires as clearly as possible.

2. After you have written down your desires, at the bottom of the page, write something to this effect: "May all of these desires, or better, manifest for the Highest good of all." This releases any need to manifest your desires in a particular way. It opens it up to the Universe to bring you what you want in the best and Highest way possible, and at the right time.

3. Keep your Magic List with you at all times, in your wallet, purse, etc.

4. Read your list (aloud if possible) just before going to sleep, first thing upon awakening and before going into meditation. Do this every day, and you will soon see profound results.


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