Thursday, August 06, 2009

Did John Lennon Sell His Soul to Satan?

By Margaret C. Galitzin
Book review of The Lennon Prophecy by Joseph Niezgoda

A book by Joseph Niezgoda - The Lennon Prophecy, A New Examination of the Death Clues of the Beatles - makes a good case for John Lennon making a pact with Satan in exchange for fame and fortune.

The author is a first generation Beatle fan, has read every book out on the rock group, and admits conflict with his love of the music and the evil that he perceives surrounds it. His book – a 15-year project - was an effort, he said, to try to define or make sense of that evil.

In fact, this is the book I was always planning to write about the Beatles. Since I threw out my Beatles albums along with the rest of my rock music many years ago, I’ve been gathering facts about the clues and signs of a Satanic link, evidence of camaraderie with occultists and their dabbling with the occult. Believe me, plenty exists.

There is nothing new in the facts Niezgoda presents – they were all out there. He just brings “the clues” – as he calls them – together to make a convincing case of Lennon’s pact with Satan. I believe it’s a valid thesis, although I would go further and say the other Beatles’ also signed the contract. Throughout the book, he certainly implicates the whole group as linked to the occult.


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