Friday, January 05, 2007

The Secret of Brain Evolution

By Lee Benson
Creator of The Brain Evolution System™

The Brain Evolution System™ uses a highly specialized audio process to create sounds that are engineered to assist you in acheiving advanced states of meditation.

The idea of using sound to induce meditation is nothing new. For millenia, sound has been used for healing and transformation via the brain's natural ability. From the chanting and ritual of ancient shamans, to Tibetan monks, Peruvian throat singing, Gregorian chants and moving classical symphonies - sound and music have played a central role in the role of shaping human consciousness for some time.

You know the effect that some sounds can have on you. Just close your eyes and consider some sounds that fill you with peace and relaxation - sounds like the soft crash of the ocean, the pitter-patter of rain, of the swell of a gentle wind through the trees...

The secret behind the moving effects of all these sounds lies in thier frequencies. As you know, sound is vibration; it is a composed of frequencies. The brain itself carries it's own vibrations too, and these frequencies are its brainwaves...


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