Saturday, May 07, 2005

Losing Weight is all in your Head

By Lucy Beale

Losing weight and keeping it off requires more than healthy foods and lavish amounts of exercise. It requires using your mind and body in new ways.

For your mind, you need to get it aligned with your goal. For your body, you need to learn how to feel your stomach's hunger cues. And along the way, you may need to clear up hormonal imbalances and health issues while paying close attention to boosting your metabolism.

When my weight-loss clients integrate their total being with healthy eating and lavish exercise, they become the winners with reduced body-fat percentage and better health. You can, too.

Here's what to do:

Get your mind aligned by using affirmations and visualizations that declare you're already at your ideal size. Tell yourself often, "I am now a naturally thin person. I wear a size (insert your ideal size), and I do what thin people do." Don't worry if this seems totally outrageous and nutty. Just say it and pretty soon your subconscious will be eagerly supporting you to reach your goal size.


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