Saturday, December 12, 2020

How to Hack Your Brain. Revealing the Secrets behind the New Raikov Effect

What if there was a program that promised you could “download & install” more brain power, confidence, or charisma?

A way to – literally – turn on any skill, talent, or attribute you want in just 10 minutes... like The Matrix!

Crazy as it sounds, the guys over at The Raikov Effect claim they’ve got such a product.

The site says you can boost your IQ, grow your business, or become a musical maestro (even if you’ve never touched an instrument) ... doing nothing more than plugging into your smartphone, tablet, or computer for a few short minutes.

They claim you can instantly “inherit” the genius of folks like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Einstein, DaVinci, or even that friend or colleague you’ve always admired... just by listening to an MP3.

Naturally, I was skeptical. So, I had to check it out for myself.

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