- The Most Powerful Force in the Universe
- Being Enlightened Gets You Everything In Life
- 7 Steps to Opening Your Third Eye
- How to Win the Lottery with Visualization
- Top 10 Countries Where You Can Live Forever
- How to Become a Jedi Knight
- Simple Secrets for Weird Mind Powers
- Simple Enlightenment
- News From the Future
- WTF Videos
- Weird Facts
- and much more...
Friday, December 30, 2016
Free Issue of MindTrip Magazine Best of 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
The Secret Mental Genius Experiment
In the early 1960s, Russia and Germany got together to perform an experiment.
Two highly respected psychologists - Dr Vladimir Raikov of Moscow, and Dr Milan Ryzl of Prague - set on a mission to help further understand the human mind.
One of their experiments involved hypnosis, and seemed quite simple:
They hypnotized subjects into believing they were someone else.
It sounds basic. Yet the results were phenomenal.
One subject was interested in playing the violin. She had only ever attended one basic lesson. During the hypnosis experiment, she was asked to believe she was a powerful classical violinist. On her second lesson, the instructor was astonished at her new-found level of skill - and immediately enrolled her into the advanced class.
Despite no longer believing she was someone else, her new genius skills remained.
Another subject was hypnotized into thinking she was the artist Raphael. Despite not being able to paint "so much as a smiley face," her drawing ability suddenly rocketed after the hypnosis. Within a month, she had the drawing skills of a professional designer.
Later experiments showed that this hypnotic trance wasn't even required.
Simply by following a SECRET mental technique, individuals could "pretend" and "adapt" the genius skills of absolutely anyone - all within just minutes.
Depending on the genius they chose, people became more business-savvy... more confident... more creative... more artistic... better at sports... they were able to write better...
Think about that and then click here to learn more about the Secret Method: How to Become Anyone
Friday, December 23, 2016
Was Yoda a Good Guru?
Something always bothered me about Star Wars. It wasn't Lucas' re-editing or the three prequels damned to sci-fi hell by angry nerds -- I always thought Yoda made no sense.
The little green guru was supposed to be profound and insightful but what emerged from his backwards speech struck me as banal. Yoda's lines about fear and bravery sounded less like philosophy honed by 900 years and more like the vacuous pronouncements of a life coach.
On top of all that, I wasn't sure that Yoda's advice was even helpful. Instructing Luke to never get angry, to never fear his enemies, seemed ignorant of human nature -- perhaps even psychologically harmful. So I asked a psychologist to find out if Yoda's advice was psychologically any good.
Dr. Nakia Gordon is a professor of psychology at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her research focuses on how we use emotion to navigate our lives. In an email exchange, I sent Dr. Gordon a selection of Yoda's most famous lines from all the Star Wars films.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
A secret weapon to achieve your biggest and best goal
How to use the power of your nonconscious to achieve your biggest and best goal for 2017
Source: New Year Supercharger
Your secret weapon for extreme goal achievement is the unlimited resources of your powerful nonconscious mind.
And perhaps the best tools for directing these resources toward your biggest and best goal are the Paraliminals, which you can use free of charge beginning on December 26.
There is nothing to study. No homework. No exercises. All you have to do is sit back, close your eyes, and push play...
Whether you want to lose weight, improve your finances, exercise more, or achieve your biggest and best goal, the New Year Supercharger gets your brain working for you. It powers your motivation. It sets you up for the success you want and deserve.
Join the New Year Supercharger – it is completely FREE and glide into 2017 primed for success.
While most people will fail at their biggest and best goal (heck, most people won't even set the goal in the first place!), it is the people like you, who will use all of the tools at their disposal, who achieve, achieve, and achieve.
It is your turn. The New Year Supercharger is easy and fun. (You just need to dive in. The water's fine!)
1) Register here (it's free)
2) Each day from December 26 through December 31 come to a special webpage.
3) Listen to a specially selected Paraliminal program to prime your mind and supercharge your goal.
4) Enjoy achieving your goal!
And perhaps the best tools for directing these resources toward your biggest and best goal are the Paraliminals, which you can use free of charge beginning on December 26.
There is nothing to study. No homework. No exercises. All you have to do is sit back, close your eyes, and push play...
Whether you want to lose weight, improve your finances, exercise more, or achieve your biggest and best goal, the New Year Supercharger gets your brain working for you. It powers your motivation. It sets you up for the success you want and deserve.
Join the New Year Supercharger – it is completely FREE and glide into 2017 primed for success.
While most people will fail at their biggest and best goal (heck, most people won't even set the goal in the first place!), it is the people like you, who will use all of the tools at their disposal, who achieve, achieve, and achieve.
It is your turn. The New Year Supercharger is easy and fun. (You just need to dive in. The water's fine!)
2) Each day from December 26 through December 31 come to a special webpage.
3) Listen to a specially selected Paraliminal program to prime your mind and supercharge your goal.
4) Enjoy achieving your goal!
Take about a half an hour each day during the New Year Supercharger to prime your mind for achieving your biggest and best goal for 2017. We've done everything we can to set you up for success, and now it is your turn…
There is no cost or obligation.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Top 10 Bad Things That Are Good For You
Beer quells heart disease and chocolate staves off cancer? Though often tagged with a disclaimer, studies that tell us to eat, inhale and generally indulge in "bad stuff" is music to our ears. So go ahead and enjoy these bad-for-you remedies — everything in moderation, as they say — until the next study inevitably overturns the research.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
30 Incredible Pieces Of Wisdom From Nikola Tesla
Source: The Tesla Code
Nikola Tesla is often called the man who invented the 20th century, and there are lots of good reasons for that. And yet he's still not nearly as famous as some of his contemporaries, like Marie Curie and Albert Einstein.
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American inventor, engineer, physicist, and futurist who is most well known for his design of the modern alternating current electric supply system.
He emigrated to the United States in 1884 to work with Thomas Edison in New York
City, but with financial backers, he was able to set out on his own.
In the end, he dies alone in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel. He died of a coronary thrombosis and his work covered up for decades. Recently, there has been an awakening in interest in his life. These are some of his quotes that we think will help challenge your ideas about science and the world at large.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Think and Grow Rich in 2017
By Dr. Robert Anthony, Creator of The Secret of Deliberate Creation
This holiday season, set aside just two minutes of your time to stop shopping for everyone else and treat yourself to the most life-changing gift you could ever have. In doing so, 2017 is sure to bring joy, happiness, financial freedom and just about anything else that you desire.
"What exactly is this amazing gift?" you ask?
It's the "Think and Grow Rich" box of secrets that make up Dr. Anthony's program "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" and it's yours today for a full 45% discount… but only for a limited time.
Read the full story here...
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Stoicism: 7 Practical Lessons for Living a Joyful Life
By Sam Thomas Davies,
Author of A Tiny, Powerful Idea
Author of A Tiny, Powerful Idea
Many of us have trouble naming our big goal in life.
Sure, we want a loving partner, a good job and a nice house, but really these are just some of the things we want.
What we really want, is a philosophy of life, a strategy for attaining our big goal…
That strategy is Stoicism.
Founded in Anthems by Zeno of Citium, Stoicism was one of the most popular and successful schools of philosophy, particularly in ancient Rome.
But Stoicism is more than analysis of arguments; it’s a way of life. In fact, its insight and advice are still remarkably applicable today, and entrepreneurs including Ryan Holiday, Phil Libin and Tim Ferriss, are strong proponents of the philosophy (Ferriss even calls Stoicism a “personal operating system” for anyone who wants high performance under high stress).
So, with that said, let’s discuss seven, practical techniques for attaining tranquility and living a better life.
5 Best Meditation Books for Beginners
A while back, we talked about guided meditation and how it can help you, especially if you don’t find it easy to control your mind – which is normal when you start practicing. We also shared some apps designed to ease you into regular meditation.
Today, let’s look at some books that you can read to help you on your meditation journey.
Friday, December 09, 2016
40 Ways to Determine Your Level of Inner Freedom
By Guy Finley, author of Breaking Dependency: Learning to Let Go and Be Free From the Inside Out
Want to know how free you really are? Good! You're about to be presented with a unique opportunity to learn all about your individual level of inner liberty.
Assembled here for your self-study is a very special kind of test. But don't worry! You can't fail this examination.
This test is unlike any you've ever taken before. It's designed to help you gaze into yourself and then use what you see there as a gauge to help you determine your level of freedom. Here's how it works.
Thursday, December 08, 2016
The Fish That Gets You High and Gives You Horrible Nightmares
People love good food and getting high. From mushroom tea to weed brownies, whipping up a special dish containing mind-altering ingredients is an age-old tradition. For some who live off the Indian Ocean, their drug of choice is served up as a nice bowl of curry fish stew.
On the most recent episode of VICELAND's Hamilton's Pharmacopeia, we met Jean Pascal Quod, an esteemed marine biologist who specializes in studying neurotoxins found in tropical fish. Quod spends much of his time researching the unique marine life found on Réunion Island.
Located in the Indian Ocean in Africa, Réunion is home to various fish containing mysterious psychoactive substances that locals consume to get high, hallucinate, and have intense dreams—or nightmares. However, not much is known about these "dream fish," which have only been found in the Indian Ocean and possibly the Mediterranean Sea, but not documented in similar climates like the Pacific Ocean or Caribbean.
We called Quod to find out more about these perplexing fish and what curious diners should know before digging in themselves.
Monday, December 05, 2016
Neuroscientists Can Now Remove Fear from Your Brain
A team of neuroscientists from the University of Cambridge, Japan and the US, just figured out how to ‘erase’ specific fears and phobias from the human brain.
Using a combination of artificial intelligence and brain scanning technology, scientists are hoping to forgo more traditional therapies used to help people overcome their fears, such as aversion therapy, but the repercussions of a seemingly helpful method of removing unconscious material from the brain might result in some rather colorful results.
Saturday, December 03, 2016
43 Facts About Your Brain That Will Blow Your Mind
If this year's iPhone release taught us anything, it's that we're a society which craves new technology, jumping at the chance to replace last year's breakthrough advancement with one that's a millimeter thinner.
But what we often forget is that we already own the most dynamic, efficient machine ever created: the human brain.
The (roughly) three-pound supercomputer inside your skull simultaneously processes facts and faces, stores memories, sweeps out toxins, controls movement and speech and makes decisions. And over the last few years, thanks in part to advancements in neuroimaging techniques, scientists are discovering even more about how remarkable our brain really is.
The Magic Power of Switchwords
By Shunyam Nirav, Author of Switchwords
Wouldn't it be great to have a magic wand that you could just wave at any situation or creative project, and have it turn out beneficially just as you wish?
Actually, we all have such a wand! However, most of us have not been aware of it, and have never received an instruction manual for its use. (So I wrote one!)
Your Word is Your Magic Wand
Your word is your wand — and if you're reading this e-zine, you likely have become aware that thought is creative. Intentional creative thoughts bring about intentional desired results.
Intentional creative thoughts can take the form of images or words, or both. We can envision an image and be grateful like it's really already so (for example, a trip to Hawaii or making a million dollars). Or we can declare or affirm a beneficial condition or state of affairs, in words (for example, "My connection to infinite being and infinite intelligence is always sufficient to yield me a huge financial fortune") and be grateful also for that being so. Or we can do both image and text together.
Wouldn't it be great to have a magic wand that you could just wave at any situation or creative project, and have it turn out beneficially just as you wish?
Actually, we all have such a wand! However, most of us have not been aware of it, and have never received an instruction manual for its use. (So I wrote one!)
Your Word is Your Magic Wand
Your word is your wand — and if you're reading this e-zine, you likely have become aware that thought is creative. Intentional creative thoughts bring about intentional desired results.
Intentional creative thoughts can take the form of images or words, or both. We can envision an image and be grateful like it's really already so (for example, a trip to Hawaii or making a million dollars). Or we can declare or affirm a beneficial condition or state of affairs, in words (for example, "My connection to infinite being and infinite intelligence is always sufficient to yield me a huge financial fortune") and be grateful also for that being so. Or we can do both image and text together.
Friday, December 02, 2016
Learn the Secrets of the Universe from the Smartest Man Who Has Ever Lived
Source: The Tesla Code
In 1856, in modern day Croatia, the world's most brilliant, gentle and beautiful mind was born.
His name was Nikola Tesla, and he was undoubtedly the smartest man who ever lived.
His understanding of the universe, while he was alive, was decades ahead of anyone in the world. He used that understanding of the universe to uncover secrets and develop inventions we are only beginning to understand today.
Imagine a man who died in 1946 created technology we are just starting to understand!
He was able to do that because he knew a secret about the universe, and now you can use that exact same secret to get anything you want out of life. Stick with me for a few minutes, and you'll see how the Tesla Code can help you shape your life into anything you want it to be...
Monday, November 28, 2016
Is This Heaven?
By Steve Pavlina / Source: MindTrip Magazine
If you maintain a negative limiting belief about your reality, such as a belief that this reality is insane, crazy, violent, indifferent, apathetic, etc., then your attitude will absolutely cream you. You can't expect to get anywhere good with a belief that this reality is anything less than heavenly.
You're not actually judging reality with such beliefs because you only have access to your limited perceptions of it, and those are 100% within your mind. So by labeling reality negatively, you're actually labeling a part of your own mind in the same way.
That's a trap — a huge trap that you must avoid at all costs.
That's a trap — a huge trap that you must avoid at all costs.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Top 10 Nightmares and Their Meanings
Most people suffer from the occasional nightmare, and some seem to experience them almost every night. What exactly do these night terrors mean?
Although nightmares can sometimes be random creations of the subconscious brain with no particular deeper interpretation, in many cases nightmares actually do have specific causes or meanings behind them.
They can allow you to look deeper into your thoughts and feelings to get a better gauge of your current mental or emotional state. Listed below are ten of the most common types of nightmares that people tend to experience as they sleep, along with insights into what they most often mean.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Happiness is the Secret to Success
Source: The Instant Switch
A life filled with happiness and prosperity is a life well lived…
Scientists have found that when you are happy, you are 5 times more focused in your tasks, which in turn allows you to function more efficiently and eventually become more successful.
Studies also show that people who are happy are 81% less prone to illness and live significantly longer than those who are not.
Not to forget that when you are happy, you are more likely to rub off your optimism on others around you and in turn build strong relationships.
My good friend, Sandy, would like to share with you her secrets to 10X Your Happiness..
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Yogic breathing helps fight major depression, study shows
A breathing-based meditation practice known as Sudarshan Kriya yoga helped alleviate severe depression in people who did not fully respond to antidepressant treatments, reports a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry from researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
The study bolsters the science behind the use of controlled yogic breathing to help battle depression.
In a randomized, controlled pilot study, led by Anup Sharma, MD, PhD, a Neuropsychiatry research fellow in the department of Psychiatry at Penn, researchers found significant improvement in symptoms of depression and anxiety in medicated patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who participated in the breathing technique compared to medicated patients who did not partake.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
The Pathway to Personal Freedom
By James F. Coyle, Author of The Freedom Book
When you were born you arrived without an instructional manual! You were expected to figure things out as you evolved. And everyone else was in the same boat.
We learnt initially by imitation. Repeating words that our parents taught us. By the time we were 4-5 years old we were starting to figure things out and our individual personality began to develop.
Then we went to school and were moulded into a functioning individual. Rather like a bakery. The dough is placed into hundreds of bread moulds and when cooked all the loaves look the same.
So it is with us by the end of our basic schooling. We have learnt to fit into society and have been taught the basic reading and writing skills that enable us to join the workforce. And here the pressure to conform really begins. If we displease our boss our job is on the line.
Likewise in our social environment we don't really want to displease our church, family or members of our social groups.
Everything is a compromise because we have no real individual freedom.
When you were born you arrived without an instructional manual! You were expected to figure things out as you evolved. And everyone else was in the same boat.
We learnt initially by imitation. Repeating words that our parents taught us. By the time we were 4-5 years old we were starting to figure things out and our individual personality began to develop.
Then we went to school and were moulded into a functioning individual. Rather like a bakery. The dough is placed into hundreds of bread moulds and when cooked all the loaves look the same.
So it is with us by the end of our basic schooling. We have learnt to fit into society and have been taught the basic reading and writing skills that enable us to join the workforce. And here the pressure to conform really begins. If we displease our boss our job is on the line.
Likewise in our social environment we don't really want to displease our church, family or members of our social groups.
Everything is a compromise because we have no real individual freedom.
Monday, November 21, 2016
How Exercise Keeps Depression At Bay
Exercise may be an effective treatment for depression and might even help prevent us from becoming depressed in the first place, according to three timely new studies.
The studies pool outcomes from past research involving more than a million men and women and, taken together, strongly suggest that regular exercise alters our bodies and brains in ways that make us resistant to despair.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
What To Do When Bad Things Keep Happening, and You Don't Know Why or What to Do About It
By Heather Mathews,
Creator of Manifestation Miracle
Creator of Manifestation Miracle
Hey, it's Heather Mathews here, and I have a deeply personal and heartfelt message for you today.
Most people don't know this about me, but long before I achieved success as an online Law of Attraction specialist, I failed over and over and over in my life - for ten years in a row.
In fact, I failed so much and made so many stupid mistakes that I lost nearly everything:
- My friends
- My health
- My boyfriend
- My confidence
- My pride
- My savings
- My self-esteem
- My ability to just feel happy that I was even alive!
At one point, I was working 60 hours a week, I was $18,000 in debt, I was taking pills for anxiety and depression, I was carrying 35 pounds of excess fat, and at age 35, I was sleeping on the couch at my mom's house...
... because I couldn't afford a motel and I had nowhere else to go.
Most people don't know this about me, but long before I achieved success as an online Law of Attraction specialist, I failed over and over and over in my life - for ten years in a row.
In fact, I failed so much and made so many stupid mistakes that I lost nearly everything:
- My health
- My boyfriend
- My confidence
- My pride
- My savings
- My self-esteem
- My ability to just feel happy that I was even alive!
At one point, I was working 60 hours a week, I was $18,000 in debt, I was taking pills for anxiety and depression, I was carrying 35 pounds of excess fat, and at age 35, I was sleeping on the couch at my mom's house...
... because I couldn't afford a motel and I had nowhere else to go.
Friday, November 18, 2016
9 Fun Ways to Boost Your Happiness and Increase Your Passion
By Lucy Liu,
Creator of Optimal Health Solutions
Creator of Optimal Health Solutions
Your happiness is increased by your passion. Gabriel Garcia once said “No medicine cures what happiness cannot.” Passion, on the other hand, is the fuel for happiness and the source of our finest moments. Passion intensifies your life experience of any moment and inspires you to fight for your happiness. Passion also encourages you to pursue your dreams and live a happier and more fulfilled life. That's what we all want in life, isn't it?
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
14 Ways to Become More Interesting
Everyone can benefit from becoming more interesting.
We live in a noisy world, and the more interesting you are, the more likely it is that you’ll be heard above the noise. In addition, being interesting can help you with just about any goal you may have. Look at the following:
- Do you want to impress your current circle of friends? Make yourself more interesting.
- Do you want to meet new people? Make yourself more interesting.
- Are you trying to attract the attention of a love interest? Make yourself more interesting.
- Do you want to make lots of valuable connections at networking events? Make yourself more interesting.
- Do you want to be the kind of person others want to open doors for? Make yourself more interesting.
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to be interesting. Below you’ll find 14 of them.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Three Steps to Unblock Your Subconscious Mind and Draw In Prosperity
By Heather Mathews,
Creator of Manifestation Miracle
Creator of Manifestation Miracle
Recently, I was speaking with a female client, Donna.
She's got three beautiful kids, a loving husband, lots of friends, and she recently started her own business.
You'd think she'd be happy, right?
But when she came to see me, she said, 'Heather, I can hardly make myself get out of bed in the morning any more. Everything seems overwhelming. I want so much more... but I'm tired of breaking my ass every day and whatever I do is never enough.'
She's got three beautiful kids, a loving husband, lots of friends, and she recently started her own business.
You'd think she'd be happy, right?
But when she came to see me, she said, 'Heather, I can hardly make myself get out of bed in the morning any more. Everything seems overwhelming. I want so much more... but I'm tired of breaking my ass every day and whatever I do is never enough.'
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Meditation: The Chicago Cubs Winning Edge?
It is no secret to sports fan around the United States that the Chicago Cubs baseball team just recently won the World Series, which was done for the first time in 108 years. Last year, the Cubs made it to the playoffs, but fell short of the world series.
Still though, for an organization who has been used to losing for over a century, the past two years have been a delight in the fans’ eyes. Is it simply a coincidence that for these past two seasons, the Cubs have implemented meditation and yoga into their training regimen, or is there something more to it?
chicago cubs,
human potential,
world series
Monday, November 07, 2016
Jesus of Siberia
By Rocco Castoro / Source: VICE
Ten hours into my first trip to Russia I catch an express train back to the airport. It's August in Moscow so I'm sweating in a particularly gross and unfamiliar way, as I have since my arrival, and I'm running late. If I miss my flight, I probably won't make it to Petropavlovka in time for the Holiday of Good Fruits, or speak with a Siberian man who looks like Jesus and believes his is the Word of God.
I buy a ticket and arrive at the platform with a couple minutes to spare, enough time to find the emptiest car and take a seat in the back. It departs three minutes later. This makes me feel a bit better, but I'm still suppressing a freak-out over the possibility of missing my plane. The flight only happens once a day, and I can't fathom having to deal with whoever answers the phones at Vladivostok Air, Siberia's largest carrier.
If I don't make it in time I'll also have to reschedule my ride. This will involve begging a woman named Tamriko, whom I've only corresponded with via email, to persuade a fellow member of what many consider to be a cult to wake up at 4 AM tomorrow, make the three-hour drive to Abakan International Airport to pick up a nosy American stranger, and take him to a remote and deeply religious community of about 4,000 people living in the middle of the Taiga forest.
Saturday, November 05, 2016
The Secret European Experiment to Create Geniuses
Source: How to Become Anyone
She was hypnotized. Entranced into believing she was a powerful classical violinist. After her second violin lesson she'd ever taken... her instructor was so blown away by her newfound level of skill, she was immediately enrolled into the advanced class...
How did she do it?
Another test subject was hypnotized into thinking she was Raphael, the artist.
Before being hypnotized using this secret experimental method, she couldn't even draw a "smiley face." Within a month, she had the artistic skill of a professional designer.
Through these experiments and many more that followed... through endless hours of trial and error, a secret mental technique was developed that without hypnotic trance, caused people to become:
* more business savvy
* more confident
* more creative
* more artistic
* better at sports
* and much, much more...
* more confident
* more creative
* more artistic
* better at sports
* and much, much more...
Now for the first time ever you can also possess this secret mental technique that allows you to "pretend" and "adapt" the genius skills of absolutely anyone...
Think about that and then click here to learn more about the Secret Method: How to Become Anyone
brain power,
human potential,
Kinky Sex Can Make You More Creative
In the typically staid classical music section of The New York Times, readers this past February were treated to an article about kinky sex as a conduit to a more creative life.
Georg Friedrich Haas, widely seen as one of the world’s leading composers, came out in the newspaper of record as a BDSM master to his wife Mollena, and credited their dynamic with helping him write his most recent, and well-reviewed, new works.
Once considered a shameful pathology, recent research has suggested BDSM can reduce anxiety and stress while promoting bonding. But could it actually make you more creative? A new study from the Science of BDSM research group at the Northern Illinois University indicates it certainly can’t hurt.
Once considered a shameful pathology, recent research has suggested BDSM can reduce anxiety and stress while promoting bonding. But could it actually make you more creative? A new study from the Science of BDSM research group at the Northern Illinois University indicates it certainly can’t hurt.
Wednesday, November 02, 2016
Weird Do-It-Yourself Subliminal Technique
The U.S. Government banned them on TV and radio in 1974. They were once famously used to boost sales of popcorn by almost 60%. And today, they're the subject of numerous Derren Brown-style "mind" shows airing throughout the globe.
I'm talking, of course, about subliminal messages.
However, despite all the media hype, subliminal messages aren't just used by advertising moguls trying to get us to buy another can of coke. They can also be employed to make serious and lasting change in our own lives.
In this short article, I'm going to share a method you can use to get subliminal messages working for you—starting tonight!
Monday, October 31, 2016
MindTrip Magazine Issue 52 Now Available
- Time Travel with Your Subconscious Mind
- Easiest Persuasion Mind Trick
- The Secret to Achieving Your Dreams
- 11 Ways to Improve Your Memory
- How to Outsource Your Job
- Simple Enlightenment
- News From the Future
- WTF Videos and Weird Facts
- and much more...
To celebrate the launch of the Android version of our magazine we are offering MindTrip Magazine completely FREE for a limited time. Simply download the free App in order to access one of several free issues!
Download MindTrip Magazine for your iPad or iPhone here...
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Immortality for Billionaires: Eternal Life in an Avatar Body
A Russian entrepreneur who heads a hi-tech research project called 'Avatar' has contacted billionaires to offer them immortality.
Itskov claims he will personally oversee their immortality process, in exchange for an undisclosed fee.
Itskov, a media entrepreneur, claims to have hired 30 scientists to reach this goal - and aims to transplant a human brain into a robot body within 10 years.
'You have the ability to finance the extension of your own life up to immortality. Our civilization has come very close to the creation of such technologies: it's not a science fiction fantasy. It is in your power to make sure that this goal will be achieved in your lifetime,' says Itskov in a letter delivered to billionaires listed in Forbes magazine.
Itskov claims he will personally oversee their immortality process, in exchange for an undisclosed fee.
Itskov, a media entrepreneur, claims to have hired 30 scientists to reach this goal - and aims to transplant a human brain into a robot body within 10 years.
'You have the ability to finance the extension of your own life up to immortality. Our civilization has come very close to the creation of such technologies: it's not a science fiction fantasy. It is in your power to make sure that this goal will be achieved in your lifetime,' says Itskov in a letter delivered to billionaires listed in Forbes magazine.
He has contacted a list of billionaires with a proposal for funding his quest for immortality - which Itskov refers to as 'cybernetic immortality' and the 'artificial body'.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Bad News: Your Brain Can Be Hacked. Good News: Only You Can Hack It!
Generate massive wealth by hacking your brain? It sounds incredibly strange…but apparently it’s possible!
Scientists and mathematics experts say they have ‘cracked the code’ for understanding how to leverage the massive creative genius locked inside the human brain.
They say it is just like “tapping into and controlling a supercomputer”!
Startling new ground breaking research shows that it is now easy to hack into the human brain and change the way it operates by using a simple mind trick invented by none other than the super-creative brain of Thomas Edison!
Fortunately, these mind-control experts say that it’s only possible for you to hack your OWN brain... but only if you are willing and if you know how to do it!
And that once you know how to do it you can dramatically increase your intelligence and your innate ability to attract prosperity and wealth into your life.
You will instantly become super-creative... easily come up with great business ideas that will instantly make you feel brilliant!
You will effortlessly attract higher earnings and massive windfalls of money, more money in your bank accounts than you have ever experienced before!
Now what you might be thinking is this sounds way too far fetched to be true, am I right?
Well...all I ask is you set aside your skepticism for a few minutes.
All you need to see for yourself the undisputed proof of how people, just like you, are now wildly profiting from using Thomas Edison’s ‘secret theory’ – to effortlessly magnetize massive wealth, success, prestige and fame into their lives.
You owe it to yourself to watch this right now and... see exactly how Thomas Edison’s secret theory turn ordinary every-day people’s lives into the lives of their dreams!
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
The Third Man Factor: Saved from Certain Death by Apparitions
In his book The Third Man Factor, author John Geiger goes in search of an extraordinary phenomenon that has previously received little coverage: the oft-repeated experience of people at the very edge of death who feel the presence of an incorporeal being who encourages them and guides them to safety.
Geiger tells the stories of 9-11 survivors, mountaineers, astronauts, explorers and prisoners of war who have reported the 'third man factor'. One of those who Geiger talked to is climber James Sevigny, who was caught in an avalanche which killed his friend Richard Whitmire, and left him with a broken back in two places, a broken arm, internal injuries and more. In the video below, Sevigny himself tells of what happened next:
Monday, October 24, 2016
Six Power Steps to Your Success
By Stuart Goldsmith
Creator of Stuart Goldsmith's Inner Circle
The following power steps structure your thinking to make sure the actions you take will drive you towards success.
Power Step #1: Be In Charge Of Your Life
Caring what other people think of you puts them in charge of your life, instead of you.
'What will other people think of me?' slavery is extremely common. Most of us are brought up (rightfully so) to consider others. But, unless we are discerning, we soon find ourselves caught up in a job we can't stand, or living in a relationship which makes us unhappy, or getting caught up in the spiral of poverty.
'Trying to please other people all the time' syndrome begins in childhood. It stems from a desire to be liked and admired. Let's look at a fairly typical scenario: three boys, Fred, Joe, and Matthew, all five years old, are best pals. They fight to sit together at school and spend their breaks in a group. Fred comes to school one day with a stack of pokemon cards to show his friends. Joe is envious of Fred's collection and a fight breaks out when Fred refuses to give a prized card to Joe.
There are several resulting scenarios, all with serious implications for Fred's future. A teacher could break up the fight and make Fred feel guilty for not parting with the prized card. Joe could refuse to talk to Fred even ending the friendship, unless Fred relented. Matthew would side with either Joe or Fred, or be a peacemaker and force the other two to discuss the problem and sort it out amicably.
The biggest danger to Fred, is if the solution entails his giving the card away, when he really doesn't want to. In other words, if the only reason he gives in, is because he desperately wants to be liked and it really matters what his friends think of him. If they were real friends, of course, Joe would understand Fred's view and Matthew would not criticise. Fred might even willingly offer Joe another not so valuable card out of his collection.
Over the years thousands of small incidents build up, until by the time we are adults, most of us make a habit of putting what other people think of us before our own personal needs and desires.
Creator of Stuart Goldsmith's Inner Circle
The following power steps structure your thinking to make sure the actions you take will drive you towards success.
Power Step #1: Be In Charge Of Your Life
Caring what other people think of you puts them in charge of your life, instead of you.
'What will other people think of me?' slavery is extremely common. Most of us are brought up (rightfully so) to consider others. But, unless we are discerning, we soon find ourselves caught up in a job we can't stand, or living in a relationship which makes us unhappy, or getting caught up in the spiral of poverty.
'Trying to please other people all the time' syndrome begins in childhood. It stems from a desire to be liked and admired. Let's look at a fairly typical scenario: three boys, Fred, Joe, and Matthew, all five years old, are best pals. They fight to sit together at school and spend their breaks in a group. Fred comes to school one day with a stack of pokemon cards to show his friends. Joe is envious of Fred's collection and a fight breaks out when Fred refuses to give a prized card to Joe.
There are several resulting scenarios, all with serious implications for Fred's future. A teacher could break up the fight and make Fred feel guilty for not parting with the prized card. Joe could refuse to talk to Fred even ending the friendship, unless Fred relented. Matthew would side with either Joe or Fred, or be a peacemaker and force the other two to discuss the problem and sort it out amicably.
The biggest danger to Fred, is if the solution entails his giving the card away, when he really doesn't want to. In other words, if the only reason he gives in, is because he desperately wants to be liked and it really matters what his friends think of him. If they were real friends, of course, Joe would understand Fred's view and Matthew would not criticise. Fred might even willingly offer Joe another not so valuable card out of his collection.
Over the years thousands of small incidents build up, until by the time we are adults, most of us make a habit of putting what other people think of us before our own personal needs and desires.
inner circle,
Saturday, October 22, 2016
The Secret to Achieving Your Dreams No One Tells You About
By Emma M. Seppälä Ph.D,
Author of The Happiness Track
Author of The Happiness Track
A Stanford student announced that she had to drop out of the Happiness class. “When I asked her why, instructor Carole Pertofsky shared with me, she said that it went against everything she had been taught: ‘My parents told me that my job in life was to be very, very successful. As I got older, I asked my parents what I needed to do to be very successful, and they said to work very, very hard. As time went by, I asked them, how do I know when I’m working hard enough, and they said, “When you’re suffering.” While this answer may seem shocking and wrong, many of us have bought into the idea that, in order to be successful, you have to sacrifice your happiness.
After working in many high-achieving environments like Yale, Stanford, Silicon Valley, New York City, I noticed too many people were pursuing “success” at a cost to themselves. They were postponing their happiness now in pursuit of success with the idea that, when they attain success, they will be happy. Yet they were burning themselves out (and others) in the process. I, too, joined the rat race because it seemed like what everyone was doing. It seemed like the right thing to do. But it wasn’t.
When I looked at the research, I saw that—overwhelmingly— happiness is actually the secret to success.
Success looks different for each person - for one, success is being able to attain a professional goal, for another it's a personal goal - like being a terrific parent. Either way, if you prioritize your happiness, you will actually be more productive, more creative, more resilient, more energized, more charismatic and influential. You will have more willpower and be more focused, with less effort.
That’s why I wrote my book The Happiness Track.
That’s why I wrote my book The Happiness Track.
The Ultimate Strategy Guide for the Game of Life
Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide.
Read the full story here...
Read the full story here...
Friday, October 21, 2016
The $1 Million Self Help Book
So you can get a regular softcover copy of Right Now!: Why Not You and Why Not Now? the self-improvement book by Australian motivational speaker Brett Campbell for $16.95.
OR you could buy the “platinum” edition, of which there’s only one copy, for $1 Million.
I feel like the sort of person who can afford a $1 million dollar book wouldn’t need any more improvement, but apparently it can “help you harness your true potential and drive it towards true quality of life”. Money can’t buy happiness I guess. I mean, it can buy Brett Campbell happiness I’m sure as he goes laughing his way to the bank.
To be fair, the book is a red herring. Along with the book Brett will invite the purchaser on a year-long adventure to experience the lifestyle that’s possible by implementing the lessons in Right Now!
- 1 autographed “platinum edition” of “Right Now!”
- 12 months luxury mansion rental (Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia)
- 12 months full immersion, private 1-on-1 coaching with Brett
- 12 months private personal trainer
- 12 months private chef
- 12 months luxury car rental (*Ferrari, Lamborghini or similar)
- 12 months private masseuse
- 5 custom made Italian suits
- The ultimate Bali immersion escape for 2 (5 nights in Bali)
- Professionally directed, produced, filmed documentary of the entire process for personal or public viewing
And much more, whatever that might entail…
The process, broken down, shows readers how to Discover their vision, Design their path, Develop skill sets, and finally Deliver their aforementioned dreams into the aforementioned reality.
In this case the dream is spending your $1 million for you on Italian suits, Ferrari rentals and private chefs.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
How to Conquer Fear, Doubt, and Being Broke
Introducing NLP Mindfest
An online festival of powerful change and achievement beginning Monday, October 24. Yours absolutely free – no strings attached!
An online festival of powerful change and achievement beginning Monday, October 24. Yours absolutely free – no strings attached!
Source: The NLP Mindfest
NLP is an extraordinary technology of human performance originally created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler.
Those three letters—NLP—stand for Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is a powerful and elegantly simple way to get your mind to do what you want! It has been called the Science of Achievement.
Lucky for you, experts have devoted their lives to the study of NLP so you don't have to! They are using NLP all over the world to help people with effortless breakthroughs in any area of day-to-day life.
We've scoured the world to discover the most talented teachers of our time. They are acclaimed experts who have used NLP to enhance and change the lives of thousands and thousands of individuals.
Lucky for you, experts have devoted their lives to the study of NLP so you don't have to! They are using NLP all over the world to help people with effortless breakthroughs in any area of day-to-day life.
We've scoured the world to discover the most talented teachers of our time. They are acclaimed experts who have used NLP to enhance and change the lives of thousands and thousands of individuals.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today
For the sake of full disclosure, I have to tell you that I am a huge fan of the FXX series It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I have all the seasons on DVD and often play an episode in the morning when I’m getting ready for the day. Could this create a bias? Of course, but that bias could work against something as much as it works for something.
So, when I recently received a copy of The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today which is based on the television series I had to wonder: would this book live up to the standard I hold for Sunny or would it be an insult to one of my most beloved shows? Luckily, it turns out that it is the former of the two. This book was an absolute blast to read.
11 Ways To Strengthen & Build Your Memory
Boosting brain health is always important, as having a healthy, sharp mind can do wonders for productivity and longevity. It's hard to feel as though you're forgetting things all the time, and increasing memory retention can help you feel more confident in your knowledge and ability to think on the spot.
Of course, there's a difference between forgetting where you placed your keys on occasion and forgetting to meet deadlines or social or work commitments regularly. For minor slips, it's not as important, but if you encounter these set-backs in memory retention and find them to interfere in your daily tasks, it might be worth speaking with a physician.
As a certified health coach, I help my clients eat the right foods, work out, and have the ideal lifestyle habits to boost their brain health and to increase memory retention. Of course, memory declines as we age, but there are ways to enhance memory retention and brain power in order to reap long-term benefits and to minimize the natural decline as best as possible. Here are 11 ways to increase memory and brain function in order to improve health and mentality, so that you can feel more competent, informed, and productive during the day.
Sunday, October 09, 2016
101 Ways to Be Happy
By Mara / Source: TripBaseBlog
Do you want to be happy? Of course you do, who doesn’t?! Here are 101 easy ways to achieve a better, happier life!
It’s not things that make us happy but our experiences.
Travel can have a profound effect on us by taking us out of our comfort zones and opening our eyes to some of the different places and lives that were unknown to us. It’s also just fun!
We’re obviously big fans of travel, but what else can make you happy? Read on for 101 ways to change your life for the better:
Do you want to be happy? Of course you do, who doesn’t?! Here are 101 easy ways to achieve a better, happier life!
It’s not things that make us happy but our experiences.
Travel can have a profound effect on us by taking us out of our comfort zones and opening our eyes to some of the different places and lives that were unknown to us. It’s also just fun!
We’re obviously big fans of travel, but what else can make you happy? Read on for 101 ways to change your life for the better:
Jesus Christ: Illuminati Grand Master?
By Eli Rook, Author of The Big F*cking Secret
Grand Master Illuminatus Jesus Christ sat fasting by his favorite stream on a hot summer afternoon, pondering how he could help his peasant brothers and sisters discover the glorious rewards of harnessing their own individual conscious power.
He had no sacred texts, no quantum physics research, no YouTube... He was armed only with his own integrated thoughts and a love for all mankind.
"How can I speak... in a way they might understand me? And if I cannot speak in a way they might understand me... how can I speak in way they might do what is best for themselves... that which they are forbidden to do by the Church? How might I lead them to their benefit, without their resistance, without the use of force?"
Little did he know, the breakthrough he experienced that day (when he first envisioned how to effectively teach his ideas to the peasants suffering in a zombie-like state of non-consciousness) was the teaching method that would eventually continue on without him, freeing men and women who still suffer in that same zombie state 2000 years later.
jesus christ,
new world order,
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