Saturday, December 26, 2020

Whole Brain Super Sex

By Neil Slade, Source: The Amazing Brain Adventure

There is a huge difference between recently discovered "whole brain sex" and all too common sex.

When a person self-stimulates their anterior amygdala (brain site) through simple exercises, and turns on dormant frontal lobe neurocircuits, that person begins to automatically and spontaneously experience (during private intimacy of course) extended and intensified peak physical pleasure response and (multiple) sexual orgasms, females AND males, with a partner or without, at any age.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Most Powerful Abundance Prayer Ever

By Aiden Powers / Source: Authentic Numerology

I discovered this prayer not long ago and I really liked the way it sounds. And when I started saying this prayer, very strange series of events happened.

Without further ado, here's my beloved prayer:

Monday, December 14, 2020

Star of Bethlehem will return for Christmas 2020

Star of Bethlehem

The Great Conjunction of 2020 will brighten the darkest day of the year as the two giant planets of our solar system draw closer together in the night sky than they have been in centuries.

By chance, the day that Jupiter and Saturn will appear closest for Earth-based stargazers is Dec. 21, the winter solstice, which is the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere.

The double planet view is also known by some astronomers as the "Christmas Star" because of a belief that the biblical tale of the Star of Bethlehem could have been a planetary conjunction.

Read the full story here...

Saturday, December 12, 2020

How to Hack Your Brain. Revealing the Secrets behind the New Raikov Effect

What if there was a program that promised you could “download & install” more brain power, confidence, or charisma?

A way to – literally – turn on any skill, talent, or attribute you want in just 10 minutes... like The Matrix!

Crazy as it sounds, the guys over at The Raikov Effect claim they’ve got such a product.

The site says you can boost your IQ, grow your business, or become a musical maestro (even if you’ve never touched an instrument) ... doing nothing more than plugging into your smartphone, tablet, or computer for a few short minutes.

They claim you can instantly “inherit” the genius of folks like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Einstein, DaVinci, or even that friend or colleague you’ve always admired... just by listening to an MP3.

Naturally, I was skeptical. So, I had to check it out for myself.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Scientists Splice Monkey Brains With Human Genes to Make Them Smarter in Bizarre Experiment

Planet of the Apes

Scientists have spliced monkey brains with human genes in a bizarre “Planet of the Apes” experiment.

The experiments were conducted by the Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Germany and the Central Institute for Experimental Animals in Japan. Japanese and German researchers jointly injected a gene called ARHGAP11B -- which directs stem cells in the human brain -- into the dark matter of marmoset fetuses, according to a release about the historic research.

After the process, the scientists discovered that the primates’ brains had become more human-like by developing larger, more advanced neocortexes in the area that controls cognition and language, according to the study published in the journal Science earlier this year in June.

Read the full story here...

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Life Is A Cosmic Joke

When one becomes enlightened, laughter is almost a natural by-product; spontaneously it comes, for the simple reason that we have been searching and searching our lives for something which was already there inside. Our whole effort was ridiculous! Our whole effort was absurd. One laughs at the great cosmic joke.

One laughs at the sense of humor that God must have or the existence: that we have it with us already and we are searching for it. One laughs at one’s own ridiculous efforts, long long journeys, pilgrimages, for something which was never lost in the first place.

Saturday, December 05, 2020

Who Controls Your Social Media After You Die?

Dead Avatar
Esther Earl never meant to tweet after she died. On 25 August 2010, the 16-year-old internet vlogger died after a four-year battle with thyroid cancer. In her early teens, Esther had gained a loyal following online, where she posted about her love of Harry Potter, and her illness. Then, on 18 February 2011 -- six months after her death -- Esther posted a message on her Twitter account, @crazycrayon.

"It's currently Friday, January 14 of the year 2010. just wanted to say: I seriously hope that I'm alive when this posts," she wrote, adding an emoji of a smiling face in sunglasses. Her mother, Lori Earl from Massachusetts, tells me Esther's online friends were "freaked out" by the tweet.

Read the full story here...