Saturday, December 03, 2016

The Magic Power of Switchwords

By Shunyam Nirav, Author of Switchwords

Wouldn't it be great to have a magic wand that you could just wave at any situation or creative project, and have it turn out beneficially just as you wish?

Actually, we all have such a wand! However, most of us have not been aware of it, and have never received an instruction manual for its use. (So I wrote one!)

Your Word is Your Magic Wand

Your word is your wand — and if you're reading this e-zine, you likely have become aware that thought is creative. Intentional creative thoughts bring about intentional desired results.

Intentional creative thoughts can take the form of images or words, or both. We can envision an image and be grateful like it's really already so (for example, a trip to Hawaii or making a million dollars). Or we can declare or affirm a beneficial condition or state of affairs, in words (for example, "My connection to infinite being and infinite intelligence is always sufficient to yield me a huge financial fortune") and be grateful also for that being so. Or we can do both image and text together.

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