Thursday, July 30, 2015

Meditation vs. Teenagers

Seven thousand teenagers wrestling with the churning emotions of adolescence, exam stress and peer pressure are to take part in an unprecedented trial of the effect of mindfulness meditation on mental health.

Psychologists and neuroscientists from Oxford University and University College London announced on Wednesday they plan to recruit children aged 11 to 16 from 76 secondary schools as part of a seven-year study. They said it would be the largest trial of its kind ever conducted and it would test some of the increasingly ambitious claims about the power of mindfulness meditation to tackle illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Why Meditation And Orgasm Feel The Same To The Brain

By Riddhi Shah / Source: The Huffington Post

Spiritual teachers have been on to this for years, but research is now showing that orgasm and meditation create much the same effect in our brains.

According to a recent article in Scientific American, both meditation and orgasm decrease our sense of self-awareness.

Bliss, says author Nadia Webb, whether through the experience of meditative contemplation or through the bodily experience of sex, "shares the diminution of self-awareness, alterations in bodily perception and decreased sense of pain." In other words, both experiences lead to a temporary stoppage in the incessant flow of our internal commentary. Even if for only a few minutes, we are able to see ourselves as something other than the ego.


Super Achiever Formula

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Psychic Sasquatch

To those who believe in him, the Bigfoot is a completely real, albeit elusive creature of unknown survival economy, native to the woods of Northern California, the Pacific Northwest, and Western Canada. He is six and a half to eight feet tall, covered in reddish-brown or black hair, with large, human-like feet and a significantly foul odor.

But this is not the beast I am interested in.

No, there exists a stranger, even more profoundly conspiracist conception of the Bigfoot: the psychic Sasquatch, a paranormal, inter-dimensional creature. 

As you might imagine, this causes a huge rift within the already fractured Bigfoot (BF) community. Those who support the thesis of a paranormal Bigfoot are profoundly marginalized, barred from discourse, and generally scorned in much the same way that the non-Bigfoot community — i.e. the scientific mainstream, popular consciousness, you know, normal people — scoffs at the very existence of a hairy woodland ape.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Read Every Self Help Book Ever Published in 5 Minutes

Roughly 90% of Self Help books contain the same advice repeated over and over. Don't believe me? Stop by your local bookstore sometime and read the Table of Contents of a dozen or so Self Help books.

The advice may be worded differently or geared toward a specific target audience (eg. men, women, various ethnic and social groups), but the underlying message is pretty much always the same. Here's a list of that advice:

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Science of Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences

By Steven Kotler / Excerpt from

The whole "let's go jump out of an airplane" concept had been dreamed up at a Friday night party, but now I was Saturday-morning sober and somehow still going skydiving.

To make matters worse, this was in 1984, and while tandem skydiving was invented in 1977, the concept had yet to make its way to the airfield in mid-Ohio where I had wound up.

So my first jump wasn't done with an instructor tethered to my back handling any difficulties we might encounter. Instead, I jumped alone 2,000 feet, my only safety net an unwieldy old Army parachute, dubbed a "round."

Thankfully, nobody expected me to pull my own rip cord. A static line, nothing fancier than a short rope, had been fixed between my rip cord and the floor of the airplane. If everything went according to plan, 15 feet from the plane, when I reached the end of my rope, it would tug open the chute. Getting to this point was more complicated.

As the plane flew along at 100 miles per hour, I had to clamber out a side door, ignore the vertiginous view, step onto a small metal rung, hold onto the plane's wing with both hands, and lift one leg behind me, so that my body formed a giant T. From this position, when my instructor gave the order, I was to jump. If all this wasn't bad enough, when I finally leaped out of the plane, I also leaped out of my body.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

How to Be the Luckiest Person on the Planet

By James Altucher, Author of Choose Yourself

I told my dad, "I'm a lucky guy." He said, "But are you lucky in love?" I was six years old. Love was the most disgusting thing in the world to me. What the hell was he talking about? Love was living in another neighborhood at that time. Or another planet. It would be years before Love stuck its ugly little nose into my house and said, "hello, anyone here?

Luck was all about rolling the dice. Or finding a quarter on the ground. Or seeing a double rainbow after a quick storm.

But now I'm different. I'm constantly checking in and out of the Hospital of No Luck. I'm older. I need luck to be constantly transfused into me or I run out of it. Without luck, I'm dead. For me, good luck equals happiness. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Sleep and Grow Rich

Excerpt from the free book 
Prosper While You Sleep

95% of all human problems stem from a negative mind. This figure includes such traits as timidity, domestic discord, business failure, bad memory, tenseness, unhappiness, worry, etc.

You can do something about it... while you sleep!

You are a mind with a body attached, not a body with a mind attached! Realize this and you are on your way to self-mastery. This is the new approach to the Conscious Mind through the other level that never sleeps, the Creative Mind. What you will discover is priceless!

Prosper While You sleepThis free book shows how to use the deepest thinking part of you, while you sleep, to get whatever you want out of life . . . money, personal influence, love, respect and admiration. At will, you can direct your Creative Mind to assist you in solving problems . . . making the right decisions ... in creating ways and means of great achievement . . . over night!

With this technique you can sleep on it and awake in the morning with answers so
clear-cut you will be amazed!

Pretty Women Make Men Stupid

By Pat Hagan / The Telegraph

The research shows men who spend even a few minutes in the company of an attractive woman perform less well in tests designed to measure brain function than those who chat to someone they do not find attractive.

Researchers who carried out the study, published in the Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, think the reason may be that men use up so much of their brain function or 'cognitive resources' trying to impress beautiful women, they have little left for other tasks.

The findings have implications for the performance of men who flirt with women in the workplace, or even exam results in mixed-sex schools.

Women, however, were not affected by chatting to a handsome man.


12 Anxiety and Depression Books That Will Actually Help

Recently, I found myself back in my doctor’s office, talking about all the finer points of my anxiety. Again. Was I experiencing déjà vu? I’d certainly been there before. I’d been doing well, managing the feeling over the past few months, but then things got worse again, and there I was, with a mandate to focus on myself again to get better. What could I do, though? I’ve never been one who finds mindfulness practices too great a help — scratch that, I hate that stuff — so, instead, I turned to books to help my anxiety and depression.

When I started reading to help with my anxiety, I searched the Internet for book lists intended to help sufferers of anxiety and depression, but each list had the same repetitive framework: self-help books, novels about severely mentally ill people, etc. That’s about as much of an escape as Steve McQueen getting stuck in the barbed wire at the last hurdle. So instead, I made my own list.

Over 28 days I read these 12 books, and revived a part of myself with each of them. I’m sharing these books with you in the order in which I read them. Here, I found my own series of 12 escapes from anxiety and depression. I hope, just maybe, you will, too.

17 Ways to Slow Down Aging and Live Longer

You have two options: you can live a shorter life with more years of disability, or you can live a longer life with fewer years of disability. The choice is yours.

There are changes you can make to your lifestyle that will help you to both extend your life and improve the quality of your "golden years". Below you'll discover 17 ways to slow down aging and live longer.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Sleep Your Way to Better Sex

Source: Digital Sandman

Remember having sex when it was so all-consuming and thrilling it was all you could think about for days? Days of anticipation, mind-blowing, body-shaking sex, then remembering it for days or even years afterwards…

Either that was a long time ago for you and you’d like to have that kind of sex in your life again. Or you’re having that kind of sex at this point in your life. Whichever description you identify with, you could be making a mistake that is reducing the quantity and quality of your sex life. You might not be getting enough good sleep.


Saturday, July 04, 2015

MindTrip Magazine Issue 36 Now Available on Apple and Android Devices!

MindTrip Magazine No. 36
Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness. The lastest issue of our new digital magazine is now available for Apple
 and Android devices.
  • How to Live Forever
  • How Subliminal Messages in Advertising Affect Your Mind
  • How to Increase Your Luck
  • 5 Foolproof Ways to Expand Your Consciousness
  • How to Cure Your Mind and Body with Dream Programming
  • The Most Miserable Way to Live Forever
  • The 40 Day Prosperity Plan
  • Simple Enlightenment
  • News From the Future
  • WTF Videos and Weird Facts
  • and much more...

To celebrate the launch of the Android version of our magazine we are offering MindTrip Magazine completely FREE for a limited time. Simply download the free App in order to access one of several free issues!

Download MindTrip Magazine for your iPad or iPhone here...

The Subliminal Power of a Smile

By Bill Hendrick
Cox News Service

Smile at the bartender for a mere 16 milliseconds and chances are he'll juice up your drink with a bit more booze. But be aware that if the pourer shoots you a "microsmile," it's likely to make you thirstier.

Those are among the conclusions of a series of studies by Piotr Winkielman, professor of psychology at the University of California, San Diego, who found that people's consumption behaviors can be altered by subliminal messages - that is, messages they aren't aware they're getting.

In two studies, participants were shown a series of photographs of happy, angry or neutral faces. Consciously, the subjects were aware only of seeing the neutral image.

Immediately afterward, they were asked to rate their moods and "interact" with a beverage by drinking what was offered, asking for more or not taking a sip.


Friday, July 03, 2015

Simple Memory 'Cheats' to Make You More Intelligent

By Michael Masterman,
Author of The Cheat's Guide to Instant Genius

If you want to become more intelligent you'll also need to improve your memory skills.

The good news is that these skills are among the easiest to develop, with help from a few simple techniques and a bit of practice. Like everything else in this course, the more time you put into improving your memory, the better it will become.

There are entire books written specifically on the subject of improving memory, packed with methods and systems designed to make you a memory master. Our goal, however, is to help you make better use of your memory by providing you with some basic techniques that you can learn and begin to employ immediately.