Friday, April 29, 2011

The Dark History of Government Mind Control

By ABH Alexander / Source: Associated Content

The end of the cold war brought about an increased opportunity for bizarre experiments on unwitting civilian victims. Both sides wanted to find a way to control the other. Eventually the information on what kinds of
efforts were made would be purged from the dark files of several governments. The U.S. and the old USSR had been secretly engaging in a variety of technical, biological and mind control experiments.

A November 1992 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article mentioned such a mind control operation performed jointly between the U.S and Canada beginning in 1955. Financed by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) through a phony front organization called "The Investigation of Human Ecology," about $60-75,000 went to Dr. Ewen Cameron at McGill University in Montreal. Canada allegedly picked up the rest of the tab, about $200,000. Even though this is 1950's dollars considering the nature of covert funding there is no real way to know exactly how much was spent on this project.

Dr. Cameron was well respected in his field and headed the American Psychiatric Association between 1957-61. The good doctor believed he could change peoples' thoughts and coined the term "psychic driving" to describe how to do it.

The emphasis on this experiment was probably one stage of several as it focused on completely wiping out a persons memory. The next stage would likely be in reprogramming it, building it up with multiple personalities which could be triggered to perform a desired function like assassinations, sex, relaying messages, piloting an aircraft etc.


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