Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Magic Power of the Switchword "Together"

By Shunyam Nirav
Author of "Switchwords"

There is an extraordinary word which can be declared, affirmed, chanted, sung, or mentally intended in any situation to always produce the most optimum result. That word is: TOGETHER.

People talk about "getting it all together" or "they've got it all together" — but you can deliberately declare the switchword TOGETHER and actually have it all together, in your life in general, or in any specific situation!

When you affirm or declare TOGETHER (silently or aloud), you soon become aware of the already-existing togetherness of all your aspects:
  • spirit-intelligence-heart-body;
  • subconscious-conscious-superconscious mind;
  • child-adult-parent;
  • masculine-feminine;
  • left-right brain.
You also are together in harmony in your outer world with everyone and everything around you. The results that you generate from this space are very satisfying, enjoyable, harmonious, efficient, optimum, and together!


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