For the purpose of this article, I will define the 'mind seduction of others' as the ability to erotically or sexually arouse another person using only the silent power of your mind. When you apply these techniques on someone, that person will feel deeply drawn to you over time, with heavy feelings on the sexual. Most often, a condition of 'falling in love' begins to take place upon the person you are wanting to seduce. No communication with the person is needed. It need not be someone you know. However, eventual communication will happen and should happen for it will provide you with valuable feedback as to the effectiveness of your efforts of influence. The methods presented in this article are powerful, without a doubt. The effect begins instantly, however there will be a certain degree of 'lag' time before you physically see results. Instant and automatic sexual influence is a mental skill that takes time. Like any skill, you need to develop it through effective and regular practice. You must maintain patience and calm rather than a rushing attitude.
Manifestation will come. And as your skill increases, manifestation will come quicker. If you are new to these techniques, then expect anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months for results to be seen. Results are directly influenced by the amount of time you involve yourself in this, at least during these 'beginner' stages. Patience and calm (that inner smile attitude) pays off though, for you will begin to see your influence taking effect and molding into manifestation on a physical level; that person will become so drawn to you that eventually they will want to be with you.
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