Saturday, October 31, 2020

How the Brain Creates God

Imagine one of our ancient ancestors, suddenly stricken by illness or a near-fatal accident. Hovering near the brink of death, an ordinary person suddenly finds him or herself locked in an immersive visionary experience of shadowy figures, muted voices and blinding luminescence.

The cosmos opens its enfolding arms and infinity spreads out in a timeless panoply that dissolves all fear, all separation from the Divine. Fear of death vanishes in a comforting flood of bliss, peace and dazzling light – the ultimate ‘holy’ connection. Overwhelming conviction arises that this is the more fundamental Reality. The welcoming gates of a personal heaven open…

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Happiness Is Not Enough

Years ago, I knew one of those guys who seemed to always be happy and excited. He was always just that bundle of warm fuzzies. First to give you a hug. Always happy to see you. Complimented you about things that had no business being complimented. We’ll call him ‘Jon.’

Jon was like a dog, one of those rare people whose enthusiasm and unbridled joy is so unceasing that it actually becomes a little irritating at times. “Can you, just like… hate life a little?” I used to think to myself. And no, I wasn’t wearing eyeliner.

Alas, it never happened. And I felt like an asshole for having such thoughts. I was just jealous, I decided. Or maybe worse: a bad person.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Venus Flytrap Has a Type of Memory

venus flytrap

Scientists are continuing to tease out the mechanisms by which the Venus flytrap can tell when it has captured a tasty insect as prey as opposed to an inedible object (or just a false alarm).

There is evidence that the carnivorous plant has something akin to a short-term "memory," and a team of Japanese scientists has found evidence that the mechanism for this memory lies in changes in calcium concentrations in its leaves, according to a recent paper published in the journal Nature Plants.

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Meditating With Cannabis: A Guide for Beginners

Meditation is a technique for training the mind, to eliminate negative thoughts and embrace the positive. It aims to make you relax and calm as you concentrate on one aspect of your life and how you can improve it.

Besides, meditation helps to manage stress levels 60% of the time and reduces the risk of heart diseases by 87%.

Similarly, marijuana offers excellent calming and relaxing effects that can go well with meditation.

Cannabis will give you the results you desire with better focus when meditating. Combining marijuana and meditation is becoming increasingly popular. As a beginner, starting cannabis meditation can be a little confusing. But in this guide, we provide you with crucial tips to help you in this spiritual practice.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

5 Quick Tips to a Smarter Dog

Genius Dog 336 x 280 - Animated

By Adrienne Farricelli,
Creator of Brain Training for Dogs

Keeping a dog mentally stimulated is important. If we don’t pay enough attention to our dogs’ minds, they often become bored or start misbehaving, and their mental health can quickly deteriorate. 

To avoid these problems, here are 5 quick tips to challenge your dog’s brainpower and turn him into a genius!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Happiness Changes Your Brain, says science

After 2,000 years of practice, Buddhist monks know that one secret to happiness is to put your mind to it.

What is happiness, and how can we achieve it?

Happiness can’t be reduced to a few agreeable sensations. Rather, it is a way of being and of experiencing the world—a profound fulfillment that suffuses every moment and endures despite inevitable setbacks.

Monday, October 19, 2020

How to Hypnotize Yourself to Lose Weight

Source: 15 Minute Weight Loss

Hypnosis is mind training. Everyone can master their mind through self hypnosis. It is a state when you are relaxed and focused in which you become unaware of your surrounding as you focus your mind for what you want to achieve.

One of the powerful techniques of hypnosis is visualisation. By using your imagination, you can create virtual experiences and powerful “memories” that help you to believe that you already achieved your goal.

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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Scientists Control Brain With Light -- No Surgery Required

If I had to place money on a neurotech that will win the Nobel Prize, it’s optogenetics.

The technology uses light of different frequencies to control the brain. It’s a brilliant mind-meld of basic neurobiology and engineering that hijacks the mechanism behind how neurons naturally activate -- or are silenced -- in the brain.

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Friday, October 16, 2020

Can Yoga Give You Superpowers?

Yoga diehards have long claimed that the practice can allay physical ailments, such as back pain and headaches, as well as improve mood and mental agility. 

But these perks may not represent the full reach of yoga's power, says parapsychology researcher Dean Radin in his new book, Supernormal: Science, Yoga and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities.

Before its recent popularization as an alternative physical and mental discipline, Radin writes, "The essential goal of yoga was to achieve states of insight that revealed the true nature of Reality."

This rarefied plane of consciousness offers many spiritual rewards, some of which we're familiar with -- deep focus, empathy, enlightenment -- and some of which sound more like the paranormal weaponry of the X-Men. 


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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Deepak Chopra: The Matrix is Real, and It's Here

 When the Matrix movies first gained immense popularity in 1999, the notion of an imaginary world in which everyone was enslaved seemed just that, imaginary.

Pop culture didn’t look deep enough to reveal that ancient tradition of Maya, the Sanskrit term for an all-enveloping illusion that, for real, envelops all of us.

When Maya was discussed, it belonged to an exotic worldview that no modern person in the West gave much credence to.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020



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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Are Masks Bad For Your Brain?

Are Masks Bad?

Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson, MD, PhD, is one of Europe’s leading neurologists who is currently based in London, UK.

She is currently the Medical Director of The London Neurology & Pain Clinic and also serves as a medico-legal experts in the UK, Norway, Germany, Switzerland and the United States. She specializes in neurology, neuro-regeneration, neuroplasticity, neurotoxicology, environmental medicine and pain management.

She is one of thousands of doctors and scientists from around the world who have strongly disagreed with the measures taken by the World Health Organization at multiple governments to combat COVID-19.

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The Mental Health Fallout Of The Great Panic Of 2020

Covid Panic

Fear, isolation and depression throughout the world lead to extreme outcomes that computer modellers completely ignored.

In the U.S., increased suicides may approach the number actually killed by COVID-19. Technocrat social engineers apparently count this as necessary collateral damage.

At Provident Behavioral Health in St. Louis, people who called the helpline at the beginning of the pandemic were fearful, even panicked.

“Nearly everyone expressed fear. Fear of catching the virus, fear of the future, fear of the unknown and fear of not knowing how to cope with their feelings,” said Jessica Vance, who manages the Disaster Distress Helpline at Provident.

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Childhood 2.0 – The Dangers of Social Media

With all the buzz about the Netflix doc The Social Dilemma, here is another lesser-known documentary focused on the dangers of social media for children.

For the first time in history, mental illness and suicide have become one of the greatest threats to school-aged children. Many parents still view dangers as primarily physical and external, but they’re missing the real danger: kids spending more time online and less time engaging in real life, free play, and autonomy. What are the effects on the next generation’s mental, physical, and spiritual health?

Watch this video here...

Is the Illuminati Good or Evil?

Centuries of war, poverty, and hardship pervade the history of the human species. Savageries abound even within the borders of the world’s most developed regions, leading many to wonder if the Illuminati ignores the pain of the downtrodden — or worse, if we are to blame for generations of turmoil. Is the Illuminati good or evil?

Though many believe that the Illuminati wields godlike control over every aspect of this planet and can dictate societal changes on a whim, the reality is far more intricate. The human is not a machine that functions exactly as it is programmed nor is it a slave to be forced into obedience. Every human mind is unique and entirely unduplicated even amongst the billions of others in this universe. Every human mind desires things that are different from the next.

Friday, October 09, 2020

Trick Yourself Into Feeling Younger: The Anti-Aging Psych Experiment

Could thinking we are younger make us younger physically and mentally? This question is discussed in Counterclockwise, a new book by Ellen J. Langer.

Dr. Ellen Langer is a professor in the Psychology Department at Harvard University. In 1979, she and 4 graduate students undertook a study where a group of male nursing home residents in their late 70s and early 80s were taken on a week-long retreat, where they were asked to live like it was the year 1959, i.e. 20 years earlier.

The results were startling… the men appeared to become younger.

The men stayed in a place done up to look like it was 1959. All magazines, newspapers, films and TV and radio programs dated from that year, and there were daily activities such as discussions of 1959 current affairs, held as though it was the present.

In numerous other ways the men were encouraged to feel it was 1959, such as by having ID photos of themselves from that time, and discussing the work they had been doing then as though it was the present.


10 Tips for Keeping Calm and Stress Free

Aside from mindfulness, how else can you stay calm and stress free in 2020? Cultivating a general sense of wellbeing is pretty important when it comes to keeping calm and stress free, so here are some ways that will help.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

The Easiest Path to Happiness


By Andreas Ohrt / Excerpt from
Everything Is Infinite: Do Nothing. Get Everything.

Think of it this way: there are thousands (maybe millions) of things you would desperately miss if they were gone, and that would bring you happiness if they returned. And you already have them.

What if suddenly you couldn't breathe? If after a few minutes of dying you again started breathing it would be the happiest moment of your life. Yet you are breathing right now, and you barely notice it. Your body is processing a billion interactions inside of you so that you can casually disagree with me. If any of those functions stopped you would pray that they return and promise never to take them for granted again.

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Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Is the Entire Universe a Single Brain?

 Physics professor Vitaly Vanchurin has an idea that he openly admits is “crazy.” But, crazy or not, he thinks it just might be true.

His new paper posits an incredible and controversial hypothesis: “the entire universe on its most fundamental level is a neural network.”

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Tuesday, October 06, 2020

The Tyranny of Positive Thinking

Everyone has heard “Just look on the bright side!” or “Happiness is a choice—so choose to be happy!”

Countless self-help books on choosing happiness line the shelves of bookstores; You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero has been on the New York Times best-seller list for 32 weeks; and The Power of Positive Thinking by the Reverend Norman Vincent Peale, published in 1952 and translated into 15 languages, is still popular today.

The idea that you can be happy if you simply choose to be has been integrated into America’s military, classrooms and workplaces to improve coping skills, performance and mental health. But as the movement’s popularity grew, it started being used to shame people with depression, anxiety or even occasional negative feelings. The August and October issues of Motivation and Emotion, the official journal of the Society for the Study of Motivation, have studies that prove the shaming is real. 

Your Mind is the Most Potent Painkiller

Mind Over Pain

On the thankfully rare occasions I have to take a painkiller, I give myself a little pep talk before I swallow them. I tell myself that I will soon start to feel the impact, and then I imagine the chemicals surging through my system, doing good.

That’s not as weird as it may sound, and it’s something I’ve been doing since making a science documentary where we showed that you can reduce back pain using nothing more than the power of the mind.

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Sunday, October 04, 2020

How to Survive a Dark Winter Lockdown

 When Kari Leibowitz first arrived in the Norwegian city of Tromso, she was both intrigued by, and fearful of, the approaching winter.

Two hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle, the city does not see the sun from mid-November to mid-January. It was a far cry from the state of New Jersey, where she had grown up, or Stanford, California, where she had been studying before travelling to Norway.

As a health psychologist, Leibowitz’s aim was to understand the ways that Tromso’s citizens coped with the long “polar night”. In many countries, the short days of winter are thought to cause lethargy and low mood, resulting in “seasonal affective disorder” (SAD).

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Saturday, October 03, 2020

Why Are Reptilians in the Vatican?

The Pope's Audience Hall building at the Vatican was designed to look exactly like a giant reptile inside and out. When the pope addresses an audience there the effect is that he is speaking from the mouth of a giant reptile. Why on earth would he want to do that?

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Friday, October 02, 2020

How to Activate the Happy Drugs Inside Your Brain


Source: The Ancient Secret of Kings

We might not have a money tree, but we can have a happiness tree.

Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the quartet responsible for our happiness. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters, but rather than being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can intentionally cause them to flow.

Being in a positive state has significant impact on our motivation, productivity, and wellbeing. No sane person would be opposed to having higher levels in those areas.

Here are some simple ways to hack into our positive neurochemicals:

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Sea + Sun = Happiness, According to Science

Be Happy
A study which required participants to chronicle their emotional state on their smartphones at regular points in the day has found that spending time by the sea is key to happiness.

A team from the London School of Economics and Political Science studied the responses from 22,000 people who uploaded their information to an app especially designed for the study.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

100 Years of Brainwave Science Direct to Your Brain


Zen12Zen12 uses a science known as 'brainwave entrainment' to do the meditating for you. Just hit play and listen. Let us do the rest!

Source: Zen12

Much has been made of the potential for meditation to make our lives more rewarding and fulfilling. People who meditate on a regular basis generally enjoy less stress, more energy, better health, and an overall feeling of calm and peace. Meditation also helps clear the mind, making way for inspiration, creativity, focus, and clarity of thought.

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