I must admit that as a teenager I was fascinated by the idea of out of body experiences (OBEs), but after reading countless books and no success at leaving my body I came to the conclusion it was all hooey, that was until I met author Graham Nicholls and had a conversation that almost changed my mind.
I was immediately struck by the scientific way this 'OBEr' looks at things, he comes across as humble, even skeptical, despite having had out-of-body and other inexplicable experiences since his childhood.
It all started for Graham at around the age of twelve, when he began to have some initial out-of-body experiences. "I remember floating a few feet off the ground in an upright, or vertical position." He continues that these early events didn't last long, but he remembers they inspired him to learn more. He explains he even spent 6 months trying to induce an OBE intentionally. When he did succeed he says he still didn't know for sure that what was happening was real, so he spent the subsequent years exploring as much as he could to verify his experiences, or dismiss them.

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