Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Free Live Webinar - Advanced Mind Science

Are you available to have your mind expanded this Thursday at 8pm EDT?
Two of my good friends, Pete Craig and Saj P, are hosting an exclusive meet-up call to share an underground self-improvement technology that I've never heard ANYONE discuss before.

If you can make yourself available, I'd HIGHLY recommend you jump on that call. It's free, and what they'll share in those 90 minutes will be absolutely blow you away... it's unlike *anything* I'd ever heard before.

If you've never heard of these guys, let me fill you in on a little background. Saj went from broke to the owner of a business that pulled multiple 7 figures annually -- within the space of 2 months.

His life was flipped around when he started experimenting with a little-known realm of psychology that he is convinced is the single most powerful way to break through mental limitations, and transform your behavior patterns... effortlessly and automatically.

If you're expecting this to have anything to do with NLP, hypnosis, subliminal programming, the Law of Attraction or any other popular self-help buzz-word -- think again.

In my 20+ years in the industry, I'd NEVER heard of it before... and was amazed when they demonstrated it to me live over the phone and I saw it work in 60 seconds flat.

I'd highly recommend you experience it for yourself live, this Thursday at 8pm EDT.

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