What is the cause of as much as 90% of illnesses?
The answer will surprise you.
According to the legendary Jose Silva, after 50 years of research, he said "90% of all illnesses are caused by the mind."
Today, science is discovering so much more about the mind and it's influence on the body that many are saying that this is probably true.
But just how powerful is the mind's hold on the body?
Listen to this....
The Sneaky Mind Trick That Made Them Lose Weight Automatically
It started when scientists were studying a particular group of hotel maids.
They realized the maids are often clinically obese even though they worked very hard on a daily basis. I mean, running up and down floors and changing bed covers, carrying heavy vacuum cleaners and flipping over mattresses is actually pretty hard work.
By right, these maids should be burning more calories than the average women. But why were they still obese?
Baffled, the researchers decided to dive into that question.
They created a fake survey to quiz those hotel maids for feedback regarding their work.
But in reality, the survey had nothing to do with their "work".
Instead, during the survey, researchers planted an idea in each of those hotel maid's minds.
And the idea was this. At the end of each "fake" survey, the researcher would say something along these lines to the maid:
"Wow Caroline, by the way, based on what you're telling me you're working really hard and you should be burning about a 1000 calories a day. That's equivalent to a good cardio workout. You must be really fit."
That's all.
Thats all the researchers said. The weird thing is, after 30 days, when the researchers tested the maids again, they found that these group of maids had lost weight and lowered their cholesterol more than the group of maids who were told nothing.
Isn't that incredible?
Simply by planting an idea in someone's mind, could directly affect their bodies.
That's the power of your mind over your body.
Here's How to Utilize This Amazing Power
It's the biggest online event in healing that's happening right now.
The idea is to get free healing information and insights out to millions.
Information that helps promote the understanding of the crucial role our minds plays in healing.
Take a peek. This is NOT something you will see very often.