Tuesday, July 02, 2013

I Am Money

By Greg Habstritt 

Most people think they know me.
They don't.
I am not what most people think I am. I am not the paper in your wallet, or the coins that jingle in your purse. I am not quietly sitting in your bank account, hoping to be used one day.
You cannot see me, feel me or touch me.
I am an idea. I am energy.
I'm neither good nor evil. I am only what you decide that I am, and I fulfill the role that you create for me.
I don't care how smart you are, where you live, what you do, or where you come from.
All I care about is your energy.
Your energy decides what thoughts you have, and therefore your thoughts will determine the relationship you have with me.
I have very simple needs, and simple rules.
I am infinite.

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