Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to Master your Appreciation Vibration

By Jafree Ozwald / The Manifesting Super Gold Pack

Experiencing a continuous appreciation for yourself, the world and everyone in it is the super highway to opening your manifesting powers, and connecting with the highest cosmic consciousness in the Universe.

When your appreciation valve (in your heart) is 100% open for 24 hours in a row, extra little miracles start popping up all over your life! Try giving appreciation to everything you see, touch, taste, smell and hear for one day. One day, all day long, see if you can do it!

This little practice is one of the most effective ways to becoming the master of your destiny. When you are in a constant state of gratitude you are communicating with the Universe from your higher mind, which allows you to be guided to receive your soul's dream life!


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