Wednesday, July 14, 2010

David Blaine: Random Things I've Learned

By Cal Fussman / Source: Esquire

My life is so bizarre, it's just easier to be honest.

When I was a kid, I'd synchronize watches with my godfather, then tell him to call our house at a specified time during dinner. I'd be at the table and say, "The phone is about to ring." And he'd call and pretend he wasn't in on it. Then I'd play it up — I'd stare at the ceiling to make it seem like something weird was going on. All moms think their kids are special, but I wanted to make sure.

To this day, literally, I can't stop doing magic. Day and night. Like I just took a flight back from Italy last night. The whole flight was me doing magic for everybody — stewardesses, the captain, people in line for the bathroom…

I was spoiled by my mother. Not in the sense that we had things. We didn't. But when I was with her, she never watched TV or talked on the phone. She was there. Reading books, going to museums, walking me through the park, bringing me to see guys playing the congas. All those things don't cost a penny, and yet I feel like I had the most incredible childhood.


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