Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to Be Free

Harry Browne's Freedom Principles By Frederick Mann

Freedom consists of a lack of desire to control others

In 1973 author Harry Browne in the midst of a long career as an iconoclast wrote a book that was the most iconoclastic thing he ever wrote. Most of Harry's books were Investment Books, and while far from dry, they did not prepare the reader for the excitement and revelation of his Freedom book.

The book, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, was more than the sum of its parts. It was philosophy, without the baggage that the word philosophy engenders. It provided the reader with clearly defined guide-lines explaining how to attain freedom, and clear explanations of how we often sabotage of own efforts to be free, and suggestions of how we can defuse that sabotage within ourselves.

I read How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World in 1973, and it changed my life radically and for the better. It showed me what freedom was and how to attain it.


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