Friday, January 08, 2010

How to Rewire Your Subconscious Mind to Lose Weight

Source: Real Subliminals

Go to any gym in the first week of January and it is packed out - you can barely move in there, and have to wait your turn for each machine. It is full of people getting started on their new years resolution to lose weight and get fit... however, go back just a couple of weeks later and you will likely only find half as many people at the same gym.

Why is it that so many people start with good intentions yet fail to follow through or stick to their weight loss plans?

You have probably been there yourself - something happens, perhaps you step on the scales and are shocked at your weight and this motivates you to step into action, to make a resolution and a plan to lose weight - whether it is eating healthier, dieting, or doing some exercise. The first few days, or the first few sessions at the gym are great - you feel fantastic, invigorated, motivated.... but then the initial excitement starts to wear off.. you weigh yourself again and there is no change.. you have a cheat meal to comfort yourself.. before long you have slipped back to your old ways.

If only we could keep this initial level of excitement, this buzz for longer - think of the results we would achieve if we kept this level of commitment forever

So Why Don't We?


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