Monday, January 18, 2010

How to Be Enlightened

By Bill Harris
Featured Speaker at Engage Today 2009

In previous articles, I've been describing the difference between what I'm calling "the world of the mind" (a reality you create with your mind, and what most people take to be THE reality) and a more fundamental reality beyond that created by the mind.

I have characterized this "other" reality as being the background, with the reality created by the mind being the foreground. I've also described it as being what is termed "non-dual" reality, as contrasted with the reality based on duality, the chopping up of the whole into separate things and events.

I've made the point that any division into separate things and events is arbitrary and that all such divisions are conceptual rather than real. As such, the world of the mind is a clever illusion.

There are a couple of levels, then, to what I've been talking about. First, there is the world of the mind. In that world, the challenge is to harness the mind in such a way that you learn how to create what you want, rather than just letting your mind run on automatic, creating whatever it's been set up to create by your past experiences.

Your mind is already creating your life, but if you're like 99% of people, the whole thing is happening automatically, without your conscious intention. It is possible, however, to direct this process--what yogis call the development of siddhis, or powers. And once you can control your mind you do have tremendous power.


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