Sunday, October 04, 2009

Touching Money Can Relieve Pain

Who cares if money can't buy you love? It can still be your BFF.

That's one of the surprising findings in a new Chinese-American academic research paper, "The Symbolic Power of Money," published in the journal Psychological Science.

Like any best friend forever, money demonstrated to researchers its ability to soothe us, reduce our sense of social exclusion and even lessen life's painful moments.

As researcher Xinyue Zhou of the psychology department at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China, puts it, money acts as a substitute for another of life's pain buffers: love.

"I was surprised," says Katherine Vohs, co-author and marketing professor at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management. "The findings were surprising because no one had connected the symbolic meaning of money to pain. The money wasn't buying the subjects more friends or a soothing cream; it was only psychologically helpful."


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