Source: Real Subliminals
Your regular conscious way of learning is through repeated experience and practice; through this process the new information will be stored deep within your mind on an unconscious level. This is how we learn to ride a bicycle, learn math, or even develop our confidence and establish self beliefs for example.
Subliminal learning bypasses this conscious experience and practice stage and sends information directly to your unconscious mind. If the same subliminal messages are sent frequently enough this will lead to the same outcome, i.e. a shift in your self beliefs. The only difference is that the shift comes naturally, from within!
We are all exposed to subliminal messages every day due to the massive amounts of information we are exposed to, and our limited capacity to consciously register it. As a result this may lead to small changes in our minds, or over time if you are exposed to the same subliminal information over and over then there will be lasting changes.
Listening to a subliminal messaging album is simply a way to counteract this and take control. By targeting subliminal messages consistently at your mind, in larger and focused quantities you can make positive changes in areas of your choice.
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