Friday, December 19, 2014

How to Create Exactly What You Want

By Robert Anthony, Ph.D
Creator of The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Take a trip to any jail or prison and you will meet hundreds of people who will tell you they are the "victims" of their circumstances.

Travel through any big city ghetto and you'll hear the same thing.

Visit any affluent, high-class neighborhood, talk to the people there and you'll discover the same thing.

Visit a middle-class neighborhood in New York, Toronto, London or Sydney and you will meet people who believe they are the result of their circumstances, good or bad.

They will talk about the opportunities they were given, or the chances they were denied. They may be grateful for the education they were exposed to, or complain they were denied the education they deserve.

One person will tell you about her wonderful childhood and upbringing was, while another will complain that she came from a "dysfunctional" family.

There is no denying that income, status, education, upbringing, neighborhood, family and many other situations will influence, effect and even determine the outcome of our lives.

But who creates the circumstances?

Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny? Lost in all this analysis and the assumption of almost every unconscious person I have ever met is this one very important reality.

The effect of our thoughts ABOUT our circumstances.

We cannot change what happened to us, but we can change our PERCEPTION about what happened to us. This is the key to changing our present circumstances and our future.

Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.


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