Friday, June 17, 2005

What to Think For Perfect Health

By Wallace D. Wattles
Excerpt from "The Science of Being Well"

In order to sever all mental relations with disease, you must enter into mental relations with health, making the process positive, not negative - one of assumption, not of rejection. You are to receive or appropriate health rather than to reject and deny disease. Denying disease accomplishes next to nothing; it does little good to cast out the devil and leave the house vacant, for he will presently return with others worse than himself. When you enter into full and constant mental relations with health, you must of necessity cease all relationship with disease.

The first step in the Science of Being Well, then, is to enter into complete
thought connection with health. The best way to do this is to form a mental image or picture of yourself as being well, imagining a perfectly strong and healthy body, and to spend sufficient time in contemplating this image to make it your habitual thought of yourself.


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