Friday, June 10, 2005

Beginner's Guide to Lucid Dreaming

(Editor's Note: This tutorial is from the website which, in my opinion, is the best no-nonsense explanation of Lucid Dreaming and includes the most helpful information I've been able to find on the web.)

Focus on success
It is not enough just to simply say “I will try”. I think Yoda said it best: “No, try not, do or do not, there is no try”. Set in your mind the intention that you will succeed. Some people come to this forum and experience their first lucid dream in a few days. Many others have had to work at it for weeks or months. Remember, there is no try, you will succeed!

Keep a positive attitude
Perhaps your biggest obstacle to learning how to become a lucid dreamer is frustration. Unfortunately, frustration occurs very often, especially when you have been working at it for weeks and have seen no progress. It is counterproductive to go to bed at night frustrated and tense. It is best to think of it as an adventure or a journey. Try to go to bed at night with the attitude that you cannot wait for the adventure to begin. One thing is guaranteed, even if you do not experience a lucid dream, chances are as you improve your dream recall, you will have some very interesting dreams to write in your journal.

Be diligent in your efforts
This goes hand in hand on focusing on success. You will not get there by just playing at it. Follow the exercises or make up a few of your own. Whatever you do, make the effort everyday. Anything worth having is worth working for. You would be reading this right now unless you believe lucid dreaming is something worth having.

Well, now that all the cheerleading is done with, let’s move on. Read each section carefully and follow the suggestions provided in each. You should work on the activities in all three sections at the same time. Please extract what wisdom you can from each section and modify it to works best for you.


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