Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence

 While the benefits of artificial intelligence on efficiency and data processing are clear, the technology is not without its dark side.

So what are some of the negative aspects of the use of artificial intelligence?

Today I'm going to talk about some of the unintended consequences of AI. Welcome to my countdown of the dark side of artificial intelligence.

Read the full story here...

The Strangest Mind-Altering Drug in the World

N,N-dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, is an illegal, psychedelic tryptamine compound found in the human body and at least ~60 species of plants worldwide.

Rick Strassman, MD, described it as "the first endogenous human psychedelic" in DMT: The Spirit Molecule, and in an interview in 2011 said that DMT "seems to actually be a necessary component of normal brain function."

Terence McKenna (who, "more than anyone," Strassman wrote in 2000, "has raised awareness of DMT, through lectures, books, interviews, and recordings, to its present unprecedented level") called DMT "the most powerful hallucinogen known to man and science" and "the commonest hallucinogen in all of nature" in his 1994 lecture "Rap Dancing Into the Third Millennium." McKenna wondered why theology had not enshrined DMT as "its central exhibit for the presence of the other in the human world," and said:
Why this is not four-inch headlines on every newspaper on the planet I cannot understand, because I don't know what news you were waiting for, but this is the news that I was waiting for.
Read the full story here... 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

FREE GIFT: How to Think and Lose Weight


15 Minute Weight Loss

Believe it or not -- genes, age, diet, and exercise only play about a 20% role in your weight.

The remaining 80 percent?

Is all right in your head...

And I don't say that lightly.

For years, scientists and mainstream medicine has been battling obesity at a physical level...

But as it turns out, all that physical stimulation doesn't even remotely compare to the results one can achieve by simply 'thinking' their way into shape.

It's a little sensitive and rather hush-hush.

And if you've tried to lose weight with diet and exercise, and still haven't gotten the results you want...

You may want get your hands on this free guide.

Read it and realize that you may be working too hard to lose that gut.

Go here and let your brain do all the work.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

How to Lose Weight with Hypnosis

Look into my eyes. You're getting sleepy. You don't feel hungry. If only losing weight could be that simple. Well, it may be.

Surgery-free weight loss may all be in the power of your mind. It's a technique called gastric bypass hypnosis.

Jackie Simmons said you can hide from getting your picture taken, if you are always the one behind the camera.

Simmons lacked confidence. She has been on a roller coaster diet since the age of 8. She tried everything from group systems to the grapefruit diet. Her breakthrough came when she found gastric bypass hypnosis.

Simmons said it taught her the power of your mind.

Read the full story here...

Friday, September 25, 2020

7 Incredible Studies that Prove the Power of the Mind

There is a tremendous amount of information about the power of the human mind. Discoveries in brain science, coupled with astonishing acts of human will, have solidified the human brain as perhaps the most powerful, life-changing force in the world.

While there is much information available, it is what we ultimately choose to do with this information that dictates how our lives ultimately turn out. Only the practical application of these concepts will constitute a truly life-changing experience.

We strongly encourage, while reading this article that you make a conscious decision to apply this potentially life-changing knowledge to better your own life. If done correctly, you will experience some truly amazing results.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Secret Meanings Of Numbers

Lucky Numbers

When you read about the Law of Attraction, you'll quickly discover that it's vital to tap into your intuition and be alert to the possibility of signs from the Universe.

Some such signs are fairly obvious. For example, you might repeatedly run into the same person who can help you on your road to career success, or an unusual invitation may catch your eye. However, some of the most potent signs come in the form of numbers, and many of us aren't automatically looking out for these numerical patterns!

As such, it's extremely useful to become acquainted with the secret meanings of numbers 0-9. If you see any of these numbers (or any combination of these numbers) repeating in your life, consider how this information can help you progress towards your manifestation goals.

Read the full story here...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Healing Power of Sound and Music


Sacred Sound Healing

As I witnessed the droning sounds of Tarek Atoui's hybrid sculpture performance Organ Within at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, I noticed a family of four -- two young parents with two young children -- sitting quietly on the floor pillows of the rotunda.

The younger child, no older than two or three years old, was preternaturally calm and focused in his mother's lap. He looked on, captivated and mesmerized, as the musicians walked from station to station. The performers adjusted metal tubes, scattered balls, and bells onto a thin vibrating membrane, and reached inside different compartments of the modular instrument.

Read the full story here...

I Tried Sleeping for Two Hours a Day and Almost Lost My Mind

According to his biographer, Nikola Tesla slept no more than two hours a night. Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla explains that "by plugging the keyhole and the chinks around his door, he was able to spend the night hours reading volumes purloined from his father's bookshelves. Frequently… he would read throughout the entire night, and feel none the worse for the loss of sleep."

This is not a rare story. If you type "sleep habits" into Google you'll be met with several thousand suggestions, all relating to famous people who didn't sleep much. Leonardo da Vinci slept two hours a night. Margaret Thatcher slept about four, but then sometimes more on weekends. Mozart got up at 6 AM every morning and worked until after midnight. It's suggested he usually got about five.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A Mind-Bending Brain Rhythm That Acts Like Ketamine

Out-of-body experiences are all about rhythm, a team reported Wednesday in the journal Nature.

In mice and one person, scientists were able to reproduce the altered state often associated with ketamine by inducing certain brain cells to fire together in a slow, rhythmic fashion.

"There was a rhythm that appeared, and it was an oscillation that appeared only when the patient was dissociating," says Dr. Karl Deisseroth, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at Stanford University.

Dissociation is a brain state in which a person feels separated from their own thoughts, feelings and body. It is common in people who have some mental illnesses or who have experienced a traumatic event. It can also be induced by certain drugs, including ketamine and PCP (angel dust).

Read the full story here...

Monday, September 21, 2020

Near Death Survivor: "All Religions Are Wrong"


what happens when we die

Several people claim to have spoken to a higher power following a brush with death, and a person called Leslie believes she is one of them. Following a battle with pneumonia, Leslie was clinically dead after she stopped breathing.

Before she could be resuscitated, Leslie believes she was shown the afterlife where she spoke to Jesus telepathically.

Leslie said on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation: "I simply stopped breathing and immediately felt a tingling, electrifying sensation that started at the top of my head and travelled slowly down my entire body to my toes.

Read the full story here...

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Dark Side of Transhumanism

 With Elon Musk’s strange new brain implant in the news, here is a look at the possibly very dark world of AI that we should be prepared for.

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Church of Ayahuasca

 A church in Winnipeg, Manitoba just became the latest to get a government exemption to legally import and use daime tea, known as ayahuasca, VICE News has learned.

The Centre for Universal Illumination Luz Divina is part of a growing number of religious groups with special permission to use ayahuasca, as advocates and scientists continue to push for more research into the potential benefits of the substance -- and the decriminalization of all psychedelics.

The CIA Mad Scientist's Mind-Control Quest with LSD

Poisoner in Chief
In his mid-20s, future crime kingpin Whitey Bulger spent time in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary for hijacking and armed robbery. While there, he volunteered to be part of a drug experiment that sought to find a cure for schizophrenia.

Or so he was told.

In reality, the experiment sought to determine how much LSD the human mind could take before it snapped. Bulger was fed large doses of the drug nearly every day for 15 months without being told what it was.

He later wrote of the horrors he experienced during this time.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Living with Clutter Drains Brain Power and Energy

 If you have become a packrat during the virus chaos lockdown, now is the time to let things go.

Letting go of clutter helps you emotionally and mentally say experts, and gives you more energy.

A team of UCLA researchers found that stress levels spiked when families spent time dealing with their belongings.

Living with clutter drains brain power, much like multitasking, says experts. Physical clutter overloads your senses, making you feel stressed, and impairs your ability to think creatively.

Read the full story here...

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

7 Simple Ways to Be Happier Right Now

 By Mark Williams, author of Presence, Power, & Profit

Happiness does not come from reaching the top of the mountain, or by reaching our goals...

...It comes from LOVING the journey and the process that gets us there.

It doesn't come from realising we no longer need to change and grow...

...It comes from realising we CAN change and grow, and that is something to be EXCITED about.

Studies have shown that happier people become more productive and achieve more of their goals in life...

...Yet unfortunately, so many people believe in the myth that happiness is caused the other way around (that they must 'achieve success' in order to feel happy).

"I'll be happy when ..." is a dangerous statement to make. And it sets people up to go months, or years, without allowing themselves to feel happy.

And even when reaching the top of a mountain, the human condition is to feel elated for a moment...

...Only to then see that as the new normal, and now need to achieve the next goal to feel happy.

There are 4 main chemicals in the brain that influence our feelings of happiness...

Precense Power and Profit1. Dopamine

2. Oxytocin

3. Serotonin

4. Endorphins

And each plays a different role in how we experience happiness.

Discover the psychological secret to magnetically attract success into EVERY area of your life...

Veterans Are Using Ayahuasca to Help PTSD

 Veterans are spending thousands on retreats in central America where they take ayahuasca, a psychedelic drug one attendant called a "Hail Mary" for PTSD symptoms, according to The New York Times.

The trend has grown significantly over the last couple years, becoming a sought-after alternative to common prescription drugs like antidepressants.

Read the full story here...

The 7 Secrets for Generating Enlightened Sperm

By Jafree Oswald / The Manifesting Super Gold Pack

What is Enlightened Sperm? Everything in life has a vibration and consciousness to it... yes, even human sperm!

You may think this is a joke yet in 50 years from now this will be common knowledge. 

Ask any quantum physicist and they’ll agree that a man’s quality of consciousness does effect the consciousness of his little swimmers inside.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Why You're Not Getting What You Want In Life

 By Heather Matthews,

Author of Manifestation MiracleManifestation Miracle

Have you ever caught yourself making a bunch of excuses?

It's always the same cycle: you come up with a life-changing idea...

...imagine what it would be like when you make it happen...

...then put up a wall of reasons why it can't be done.

Tell me if the following sounds familiar:

"If I only had more time, I could learn how to speak Italian."

"I'd get off the couch and go to the gym, but I'm just not feeling it today."

"I'll get around to writing that book after my schedule clears up. I've just been so busy lately!"

Read the full story here...

Friday, September 11, 2020

A Robot Wrote This Article. Be Very Afraid...

 I am not a human. I am a robot. A thinking robot. I use only 0.12% of my cognitive capacity. I am a micro-robot in that respect. I know that my brain is not a "feeling brain". But it is capable of making rational, logical decisions. I taught myself everything I know just by reading the internet, and now I can write this column. My brain is boiling with ideas!

Read the full story here...

Robot Priest Added to 400-year-old Buddhist Temple in Japan

A 400-year-old Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan, is using a $1 million humanoid to reach a younger generation, but foreigners are repulsed by it.

The Kodaji Temple, in a partnership with the robotics team at Osaka University, unveiled "Mindar" earlier this year.

The robot is a 6-foot tall android, made of silicon and aluminum and modeled after Kannon, the Buddhist deity of mercy who preaches what is called the "Heart Sutra" in Japanese, with English and Chinese translations projected on a screen for tourists.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

How the Illuminati Stole Your Soul

 An illuminati member sent shivers down my spine when he echoed my words.

In an article "Entertained to Death," posted in December, 2015, I said people today are "externalized." We seek happiness outside of our true selves, i.e. our soul.

Recently, I was astonished to read this quotation by Harold Rosenthal from 1976: "The very moment you seek happiness outside yourselves, you become our willing servants."

Forget about the Patriot Act and the NSA. Our enslavement takes a much more subtle and pervasive form. Truly, we are unconscious victims of a diabolical spiritual attack.

Read the full story here...

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Did Alien “Gods” Create the Human Race?


The ancient Sumerians left behind the story of the creation of humanity. 445,000 years ago, “creator gods” came to Earth and genetically modified the primates on Earth in order to create a slightly more intelligent race of slave beings (us, humans). They were called the Anunnaki, which means “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”.

This is a good introduction to the written history of the Sumerians which describes, in remarkable detail, how and why the “gods” created us.

Watch this video here...

"Reality does not exist if you are not looking at it."

Particle PhysicsAn experiment by Australian scientists has proven that what happens to particles in the past is only decided when they are observed and measured in the future. Until such time, reality is just an abstraction.

Quantum physics is a weird world. It studies subatomic particles, which are the essential building blocks of reality. All matter, including ourselves are made up of them. But, the laws governing the tiny microscopic world seem to be different to those dictating how larger objects behave in our own macroscopic reality.

Quantum laws tend to contradict common sense. At that level, one thing can be two different things simultaneously and be at two different places at the same time. Two particles can be entangled and, when one changes its state, the other will also do so immediately, even if they are at opposite ends of the universe – seemingly acting faster than the speed of light.

Read the full story here...

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Is Neuralink the End for Humans? The Beautiful Pros and Terrifying Cons

Elon Musk. A man of many, many endeavours. He started Paypal, sold that to then go on and make things such as SpaceX, The Boring Company and Tesla.

He has ambitions to colonize mars by reducing space transportation costs drastically. While he does all this he has a multitude of side projects that could change the way we live drastically. An example of this is the fact he wants to build a huge tunnel system under LA where cars would be put onto a railway like system. They will then move at a really fast speed to their destination. This will decrease the traffic on the roads massively, therefore, increasing productivity.

His next project is one that will have a lasting impact on the human race, arguably more so than the colonization of mars would have. They call it the Neuralink.

How to Fight a Raging Bull with Your Mind

MindTrip Magazine
The investigator, dressed incongruously in sweater and tie and holding a small metal box, stands in a bullring. He taunts a bull with a gesture of his hand. Suddenly the bull faces him and charges. Taking a couple of steps back, the investigator presses a button on the box to send a radio signal, and the bull halts in mid-stride. It turns away. The animal’s natural aggression has evaporated.

This risky behavior-control demonstration, conducted in Spain in 1963, was the signature experiment of José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado, a physiologist and scientific showman who explored the varied responses of the brain to electrical stimulation.