Wednesday, September 23, 2020

I Tried Sleeping for Two Hours a Day and Almost Lost My Mind

According to his biographer, Nikola Tesla slept no more than two hours a night. Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla explains that "by plugging the keyhole and the chinks around his door, he was able to spend the night hours reading volumes purloined from his father's bookshelves. Frequently… he would read throughout the entire night, and feel none the worse for the loss of sleep."

This is not a rare story. If you type "sleep habits" into Google you'll be met with several thousand suggestions, all relating to famous people who didn't sleep much. Leonardo da Vinci slept two hours a night. Margaret Thatcher slept about four, but then sometimes more on weekends. Mozart got up at 6 AM every morning and worked until after midnight. It's suggested he usually got about five.

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