There is one all-important truth that you must accept if you wish to develop on the path to prosperity. You must discard the idea that the physical universe is a meaningless, uncaring, random machine, and that human consciousness is a chemical accident within this machine.
In fact precisely the opposite is true. The universe is a living, conscious, intelligent energy which manifests all physical realities. Thought, emotion, consciousness, and life are the true substance of our universe.
Whereas we have been led to believe that consciousness is a delusion of our neurology, the real delusion is that a universe of such magnificence could be accidentally formed.
There are countless scientific findings from the past century that point to this truth, but one vital understanding is all that we have room for in this short training program.
The most startling finding of modern science is that there is no material substance in the universe. Protons, electrons, quarks, and all of the “fundamental” particles that science has discovered all turn out to be various manifestations of energy and information.
Everything in the universe is a product of this ever-moving, ever-changing energy. All that we experience physically is simply an interpretation of that energy using our physical senses. So in the most practical, physical sense, everything that you experience is the result of your mind’s interpretation of the energy of the universe.
This insight is the first step to true freedom and personal power. If you believe the universe is a random, meaningless, violent place then in your experience it will be so.
If, on the other hand, you believe that your mind controls the substance of your experience, and that the universe is primed to fulfill your needs, then you will meet with experiences that confirm this truth.
Your exercise today is to feel the energy of the universe. Feel it at work within your body; breathing for you, beating your heart, fighting diseases and repairing your cells. This energy flows out from your body to literally shape your world in the same way that it shapes your body.
This is an excerpt from Mind Over Money: How to Program Your Mind For Wealth, a 10-minute per day, 30-day mind exercise program that will automatically bring more abundance into your life. Begin right now...
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